Aurdino Mega TCB

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Re: Aurdino Mega TCB

Post by webwolf »

Hi Baldrick and congratulations on your work. I´m a begginer in tanks but some experience with rc and electronics.
I bought pcb and parts and all working so far (not all tested yet). I want your opinion (or any member) on adding a 2s lipo battery to supply the smoke unit, sound (Taigen) and RX and fans for the Esc´s. I'm thinking of removing the smoke fets to a separate pcb and cut the 5 volts connection from the sound unit. As a 2S has 7.2V i'm considering a diode in serie with the plus of the bat to create a 0.7V drop and so get a 6.7V. Good for the smoke unit but for the rx and fans, a 7805V regulator. Now my doubt is abouth the bat capacity. I don´t know how much current the smoke and sound unit need. It is the smoke unit with a piston. Do you think a 1300 mAH , 25C would be enough?
About the pcb, Diodes D1 and D5 have small holes. Had to pass a 1.5mm drill and the remake wiring. But thats a minor issue on such a high quality project. So, hope you or someone may take my doubts. Thank you.
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Re: Aurdino Mega TCB

Post by Jofaur86 »

:) To answer your question ? I don't think it's the sound part that requires the most current, in my opinion, it's negligible. On the other hand, the smoke part with this piston system is presumed to consume energy, to confirm, either take a measurement intensity with a multimeter, during operation? either open the system, look at the value of the resistance, and knowing the voltage, apply Ohms' law: I=U / R
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Re: Aurdino Mega TCB

Post by Jofaur86 »

See also this post, specific smokers? maybe some ideas?
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Re: Aurdino Mega TCB

Post by webwolf »

Thanks Joafur, i just asked because i still didn't connected the smoke unit(i think is Taigen). The liquid has not arrived yet and would like to do the test with all the items. The sound unit is from Taigen and also still not arrived but as you say i can calculate the intensity. I'll look at the posts. Sorry, i'm a new user and there is much information on this forum.
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Re: Aurdino Mega TCB

Post by Jofaur86 »

:) Hello, OK no worries, this is HL or Taigen? they are the same. Personally I don't use them, but they are known to be big energy consumers. I enclose a specific "Smoking" link from the Blog, from a member of the forum. It is true that there are many things on this excellent Forum, and competent people. Good reading ... enerators/
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Re: Aurdino Mega TCB

Post by Rad_Schuhart »

Hi, I noted unusual movement in my smoke generator's entry on my website, I checked the referal and here am I, lol.

Trying to help a bit Mr. Webwolf: I see no point in using different supply for the fans, the smoke generator and soundcard. The fans and soundcard takes almost no power from the battery. The smoke generator is indeed more power hungry but that depends of many things, like which smoke generator you have, what is the heating element and so on.

If it helps, I have very complex RC toys, some with loads of functions: Motors, sounds, multi telemetry modules, GPS, Glonass, FPV video cameras and more... and all of them are using only ONE battery.
For me, there is no point in fitting more than one battery, and the less the wires, the better.

Get a nice Li Ion battery and you should be able to run your tank for hours. (battery info here: ... batteries/ ) with the Li Ion batteries I use I can run my tanks more than 6 hours non stop. But it is also true that I don't use the smoke too much.

Hope it helps.

EDIT: I am talking from my own experience. Of course I could be wrong, but I don't think I can be very wrong, lol.
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Re: Aurdino Mega TCB

Post by webwolf »

I made a 3d printed case for Baldrick board. I included a fan and has full access to all plugs and buttons. Is made of two parts easily printed, without suports. To attach to the tank, i'm gonna use double side tape but you can simply make holes and use screws. If you want stl i can supply for free :D For the fan (5volts 40x40x10) you need 4 - M3 screwsx15 and to attatch the top and bottom of the case, 4 - M2.5 screws, or any other small screw. Hope you enjoy.
Note: the pics where taken after printing, to test. All OK, i'll screw it and put in the tank next week.
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Re: Aurdino Mega TCB

Post by baldrick131 »

webwolf wrote: Fri Apr 21, 2023 6:45 pm I made a 3d printed case for Baldrick board. I included a fan and has full access to all plugs and buttons. Is made of two parts easily printed, without suports. To attach to the tank, i'm gonna use double side tape but you can simply make holes and use screws. If you want stl i can supply for free :D For the fan (5volts 40x40x10) you need 4 - M3 screwsx15 and to attatch the top and bottom of the case, 4 - M2.5 screws, or any other small screw. Hope you enjoy.
Note: the pics where taken after printing, to test. All OK, i'll screw it and put in the tank next week.
That looks really good
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Re: Aurdino Mega TCB

Post by ziddan »

Im looking at doing a minimal order of your design for my first TCB project, it seems very straight forward to build, excellent work! :)

Question: If one was to solder stacking headers to the mega instead of the regular pin headers (pins on its bottom like usual, sockets on top), would anything be stopping one from accessing the IR battle capabilities up there?
Maybe using a small protoboard or custom pcb with the right connectors+required components?

Here is what i mean:
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Re: Aurdino Mega TCB

Post by baldrick131 »

ziddan wrote: Tue Apr 25, 2023 10:59 pm Im looking at doing a minimal order of your design for my first TCB project, it seems very straight forward to build, excellent work! :)

Question: If one was to solder stacking headers to the mega instead of the regular pin headers (pins on its bottom like usual, sockets on top), would anything be stopping one from accessing the IR battle capabilities up there?
Maybe using a small protoboard or custom pcb with the right connectors+required components?

Here is what i mean:
The same idea occurred to me with the idea of a second board above the Arduino to utilise the other aspects of the TCB so it's possible.
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