Added on a lot of the turret parts that fell off, and re-painted the fuel drums for the third time. In looking at these pictures, I'm mostly happy with how it's coming out but it still seems like there's a missing piece to the puzzle in making it the best I can make it. I know I'll probably never make master class, but just looking at them is inspiring enough and if I ever made one "perfectly" the hobby would get dull fast for me anyway!
I sent away for an ultimate gearbox, the metal wheels and metal sprockets. I almost regret the idea of when this project will be done since that's most of the fun after all.
I found this idea for the fuel hoses from user wibblywobbly and I thought it was a great idea! It looks much better then having the little rubber bits flopping around loose. To do it you push in some thin wire or a paper clip, into the straight portion and leave the hose loose on the end part then glue in place.

I got my tank used so from the picture it looks like mine is missing some of the rubber hose, unless you are supposed to cut the two lengths that came with it? I think shrink tubing size 1mm (the smallest they make) might fit in place of it but I'm not certain.