The T90 thread

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Re: The T90 thread - HL manuf. documentation for reference

Post by Marc780 »

For those who need the factory instructions for a reference. If you happen to need any of the missing pages - I deliberately left out those with obvious info like not shooting yourself in the eye with a BB and so forth - pm me and I'll be happy to send it on.

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Re: The T90 thread - my latest work

Post by Marc780 »

Added on a lot of the turret parts that fell off, and re-painted the fuel drums for the third time. In looking at these pictures, I'm mostly happy with how it's coming out but it still seems like there's a missing piece to the puzzle in making it the best I can make it. I know I'll probably never make master class, but just looking at them is inspiring enough and if I ever made one "perfectly" the hobby would get dull fast for me anyway!

I sent away for an ultimate gearbox, the metal wheels and metal sprockets. I almost regret the idea of when this project will be done since that's most of the fun after all.

I found this idea for the fuel hoses from user wibblywobbly and I thought it was a great idea! It looks much better then having the little rubber bits flopping around loose. To do it you push in some thin wire or a paper clip, into the straight portion and leave the hose loose on the end part then glue in place.
I got my tank used so from the picture it looks like mine is missing some of the rubber hose, unless you are supposed to cut the two lengths that came with it? I think shrink tubing size 1mm (the smallest they make) might fit in place of it but I'm not certain.
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Re: The T90 thread

Post by Ripa51 »

wibblywobbly wrote:I have been around the tank about ten times, examined the manual, and cannot see where this part goes back on, can anyone assist?

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At the bottom of the batterybox there is a binding push-button inside the tank-frame. That box keeps the button in it's place with a screw.
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Re: The T90 thread

Post by JIXAMAN »

Ahhhh, finally after many days searching the web, I find the board / thread for me...

I know I need to do the introductions bit and I have trawled through the FAQ type bit but I'm a T90 owner and who better to talk to than other T90 owners who have been there, done that...

Anyway, have a base T90, been fun. Unsure how far I will mod as this is just a hobby to take me away from my real hobby (kart racing).

Think the tank is a bit light as struggles with traction that weight might help with, has anyone thoughts on this, is it simply a bit of lead low on the chassis?

Have ordered metal drive wheels and will do bogie wheels, tracks and gearbox / motor to start with but waterproofing is a must, cant see it doing water from stock.

The gearbox to start with. I see it was mentioned, the Ultimate. I am looking at the Ultimate II and held back till I seen if it fits the tank, take it they do as others are buying them?

I'v not ordered tracks yet as was wondering if I'm limited to T90 parts or are some chains generic to the brand, ditto with bogie wheels, not fussed if someone notices it's a Tiger / Challenger bogie wheel as long as it looks the part and works.

I have too many questions, I could go on and on so leave it at that and see where we get.

Nice posts and write ups, I only hope I can create something as nice as the forum has..
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Re: The T90 thread

Post by Jay-Em »

Metal wheels and metal tracks absolutely fix the ‘too light for proper grip’ -problem. Expensive, though. A set of metal wheels with rubber ‘tire’ for the T-90 ‘ll set You back about €90.-

I dó keep one T-90 ( in fake IDF guise) light as a feather, because I wanted it to be fast. Two 22000rpm 390 motors later, and it’s as fast as one ever want it to be but, indeed, struggles with grip.

Oh, the metal plate under the gearbox that -I believe- DKLMrc ( not sure) makes also helps immensly with grip/weight. I can’t find it, but it’s basically an aluminium plate that fits ùnder the gearboxes. As a bonus it’ll also fix the flexing of the plastic tub under the gearboxes. That flexing under power made my tracks fly off far too often. Metal plate in..flexing foxed, no more thrown tracks. And extra weight for grip.
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Re: The T90 thread

Post by JIXAMAN »

What a difference in weight the metal road wheels and tracks make... Gearboxes go in next...

My T90 has huge (20mm) holes the driveshafts go through with nothing holding them so found on the web a bearing and spacer combo...

Got me thinking, was going to turn a set of spacers to fit the bearing but found the Oilite flanged bearing is 20od 14id and the MR148-ZZ is the bearing, eight quid all in...

Should help in holding the extra weight...

Chassis strengthening next methinks...
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Re: The T90 thread

Post by tankme »

Heng Long actually makes new sealed gearboxes and they are heavier than their open counterparts. All my pics of them are too large to upload here and I currently don't have a picture site to link to, but they are on the RCUniverse site. I posted pics of the inside of them along with the new metal Abrams hull from Heng Long. ... -hull.html
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Re: The T90 thread

Post by silversurfer1947 »

Have a read of this thread viewtopic.php?f=195&t=23710&p=258248&hi ... os#p258248 It ould give yu ome alternative you can ue to get your photos uploaded.
Tamiya Tiger 1, Taigen FlakPanzer IV,Torro M16 half-track, Tamiya Panther,WSN/Torro T34,Taigen M41 Bulldog,H/l/Taigen Sherman M4A3,H/L T90, Haya M3 Grant, Metal Origins 234/2 Puma, Nashorn by Alwyn. I was only going to have one tank - honest! :D
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Re: The T90 thread

Post by kintaroukinji »

tankme wrote:Heng Long actually makes new sealed gearboxes and they are heavier than their open counterparts. All my pics of them are too large to upload here and I currently don't have a picture site to link to, but they are on the RCUniverse site. I posted pics of the inside of them along with the new metal Abrams hull from Heng Long. ... -hull.html
This HengLong metal chassis model looks almost like a copy of TAMIYA's 1/16 scale M1A2.
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