Late Tiger 1 build 1/6 Armortek

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Re: Late Tiger 1 build 1/6 Armortek

Post by Saxondog »

I had heard that from another large scale tanker,seems the blank firing system is hard on internal electronics. Still I am interested as I certainly have the expertise to create a more effective round. Grain ammunition has been used for a very long time to create large fireball effects and it is far more clean burning than Black Powder,flash powder,or even fine grain cordite.

Have you any experience with this type of flash effect? I can describe it to you and basic items are used. I actually learned this in the Boy scouts. By grain I mean fine sifted plain or unbleached flour, a very nice fireball will result from igniting flour.The problem is the heat needed and the charge to create a dust cloud,once ignited the flour flash burns in a fireball,flash very cool and safe.

First I need to know the cartridge diameter,it works like this, flash powder,or better black powder which can be purchased here very easily in small amounts due to our black powder weapon hunting season. It's works this way,for description let use a 12ga shotgun shell for size,this shell is filled 1/3 with powder,then shredded aluminium or best titanium dust,then flour packed tight and a cotton wad.

This is normally done in PVC pipe for effects.the black powder of course forces the aluminium and flour out but in doing this the aluminium ignites and burning hotter than the powder it in turn ignites the flour which has been blown into a dust cloud,instant fireball.
It is very impressive but safe as their is not solid propellant and flour does not leave any residue. The link below is not the best example,but it does demonstrate how flammable flour dust is,the difference is the residue left,the method I described leaves no residue. Also note this method for special effects has been used and can be found on the web,and in most chemistry classes.

At present I understand their may be issues in the UK that we do not have here,also understand the material for this type of effect is monitored. But Tennessee is a right to carry state,and a sportsman state,we have black powder season on deer,and bear,Bow season and regular long gun season,

So I understand this may not be something you could utilize,but I can and do intend to use this effect in my Tiger. I have been around guns all my life,yet I do not own but three,and no pistol. The long guns were gifts from my dad growing up but beyond that I prefer fishing to hunting. so I have no need of a permit,my wife has that covered and is a better shot than me anyway.

Still John I would like to see the mechanical design for rotating the cylinder, and of course look forward to the day when you can fire off a few for the rest of us. Blake" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Late Tiger 1 build 1/6 Armortek

Post by Johnf »

Hi Blake. Thanks for that. Still laughing here. My girlfrien just saw the explosion on my laptop and asked what I was watching and said it was a possible upgrade to my tank. You cannot imagine the expression on her face. I got thek blank firer with the kit as an all inclusive package. If it was my choice I probably would not bother as number on there is the residue problem. Others have recommended nitro charges and these do not have the residue problems. I will probably try to source these. No 2, I live in Ireland and it appears we are all a pack of terrorists and are not allowed to have guns without lots of hassle and security. I phoned one gun shop about blanks and was told i need a certificate from the police. Seems I might be planning on making a bomb. No. 3, I'm thinking about taking the tank to a park close to where I work were ther is a place where people play with their rc planes. It backs on to the american ambassadors residence. Lots of marines on guard duty. I could start a war. Should I wear full SS gear for the maiden drive. Headlines, Irish person in SS uniform with tank fires on the american embassy at 7:30AM. Marines react.

I will send you a copy of the instructions. You might be able to figure out how to load it. The sound system is Benedinni and instructions and specifications are on their site. The smoker is quite basic I can send details of that also. If you want to add a similar drive system I was in hospital the other day and noticed the motors to drive an electric wheelchair are the same. Just hijack an old person and persuade them they would be better off getting some exercise moving under their own steam. No offence meant to any body restricted to a wheelchair. I know how difficult it is to get around without mobility.
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Re: Late Tiger 1 build 1/6 Armortek

Post by Wolftone »

A little funny story for you chaps. About 25 years ago when i lived in Belfast a friend & i were burning some rubbish at the back of a Motorcycle shop in Donegall Pass. We thought it would be a good idea to see what happened when a couple of nearly empty aerosols were placed on their sides with the diffuser just in the edge of the fire. Well the tops melted, igniting the remaining propellant in the cans & off they went like rockets. For the first milliseconds all was well untill they both headed skywards, directly into Donegall pass police station. They thought it was a morter bomb attack & all sorts of uproar ensued as we quickly hosed the fire away & shut the doors sharpish... Oop's.
A friend who was stationed there came into the shop to tell us about the shenanigans. So the owner jedi'd him by pointing out hat we, were not the droids he was looking for...
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Re: Late Tiger 1 build 1/6 Armortek

Post by [ICE]monkey »

great story wolftone, the things that seem a good idea at the time
regards, cliff
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Re: Late Tiger 1 build 1/6 Armortek

Post by Saxondog »

I'm parking my Powerchair, old guy did not need it anyway. I have a very nice custom smoker from Super Smokers (DanL) he made up for my Tiger,I've seen that Steel Dragons use a WIGGYTRONICS unit which I believe is an UK company.

The Rotary magazine is of interest as far as how the mechanism works, Hatakashi posted problems with the unit over a year ago. My point is a better round would produce a better effect without some of the issues.

But I have plenty to do with me Tiger just now, Today I junked the Loader hatch and the hinge assemble for the two driver/Radio op hatches. The hatches are ok but their in need of a stronger hinge.

The hinges on the Mud Guards look ok but making them work is not worth the trouble so I think I will follow your lead and purchase the after market hinges will be better and I really want this detail to work correctly.

John I am grateful for all the information,and your Tiger is coming along very well, Sax
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Re: Late Tiger 1 build 1/6 Armortek

Post by Johnf »

Here is an update on progress. It is starting to look like a tank now.




Park your Tiger for five minutes and this happens.





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Re: Late Tiger 1 build 1/6 Armortek

Post by Saxondog »

Ever closer to a test drive John, Sax
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Re: Late Tiger 1 build 1/6 Armortek

Post by Johnf »

Forgot to mention. Wheels run really well. Mor work on the painting side. Is it just the outer 4 road wheels that get camo or do the centre wheels get camo also? Glad I invested in the hydraulic table as it's now very heavy. It looks like it's riding a bit high but thats because the jack is still supporting it.
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Re: Late Tiger 1 build 1/6 Armortek

Post by [ICE]monkey »

looking good john,i would only go for the outer wheels with the camo, but spray them in situ to get the blow through effect, ive seen pics of tigers where some of the inner wheels were still in red oxide,
regards, ice
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Re: Late Tiger 1 build 1/6 Armortek

Post by Johnf »

I have started to tone the wheels down a bit.



Thanks Ice for the info on the wheel camo. I have seen all kinds of combinations. I do not want to go with too much weathering and battle damage as it will pick up some scars when it gets moving and a lot of the photos show them in very good condition in the field. Most would be low mileage vehicles anyway.
What do you mean by blow through effect? I need to get some photos in natural light. these were taken after midnight.

I will probably apply camo when applying the hull camo to get a good match and will tone down with weathering to the lower sections.
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