Upgrading motors on Henlong Merkava

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Upgrading motors on Henlong Merkava

Post by YYCADM »

Given the overall size, and transmission configuration of the new Merkava, something I found quite obvious right out of the gate was that the OEM motors were underpowered, especially during turns on grass, or loose slopes.

I've changed motors in other tanks several times, and wasn't expecting too much drama, although I admit to a degree of trepidation when I couldn't find any tank specific info online.

That should have been a bigger clue than it was...
I tracked down a pair of Henlong red motors, thinking (correctly) that the configuration might cause a clearance issue , trying to fit 390 cans the same diameter as the original motors. The reds are around a cm longer, making it a snug fit.

The right (starboard) motor was fairly straightforward; open up the hull, unscrew the mounting bracket from the side of the transmission, revoke it and reinstall on the red motor, slip it into place, and reconnect the power and ground leads.

Then, the port motor. I concluded fairly quickly that the day the design engineer began working on this, he'd had a poor sleep the night before after a fight with his spouse, and had sent the previous evening at the pub, drowning his sorrows. As a result, he was in a foul mood, and decided to share his angst with the world.

No removing a couple of bracket mounts to make the swap. They were hidden, inside the transmission side plate. To access them, the drive sprocket had to be removed to access an anchor screw. A couple more inside the transmission, requiring the top cover to be pried off. It should snap off, but no luck there; I eventually got it free with a small prybar. A couple of additional screws on the underside, requiring you to mimic a three-handed contortionist to remove.

The first motor? 15 minutes start to finish. The second? nearly three hours.

The end result was well worth the effort. While the speed has increased only incrementally (which is good), the available torque is much improved. The bogging in turns is effectively gone, with much better ability to power the metal tracks. I do recommend the swap, providing you make sure the motors you plan to use will fit, and that you have a good sense of humour...you'll need it
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Re: Upgrading motors on Henlong Merkava

Post by Jimster »

Good for you! Sounds like a necessary upgrade with great results. Unfortunately the aggravation level can be quite high when making important improvements. So now it’s time for us to see a video of your tank’s improved driving characteristics.
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Re: Upgrading motors on Henlong Merkava

Post by Herr Dr. Professor »

Oh, Wayne, I applaud your courage to dive in an make the motor improvement; I do understand your frustration; and I appreciate your explaining the change-out in clear detail.
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Re: Upgrading motors on Henlong Merkava

Post by 5na5 »

Friends, can I have a few photos of the modernization process?
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