
Have any comments or suggestions as to the running or advancing of the RC Tank Warfare website? If so, this is the place to be.
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Post by jarndice »

The appointment of Moderators to the Forum appears to be by invitation, (An Opportunity that I turned down),
I wondered if there is a system in place for a Moderator or Moderators to be removed or do they stay in office until they request removal.
If there is not such a system perhaps thought could be given to formulating one.
After all most of the countries whom members call home are democracies so perhaps every 3 years a simple one person one vote for any full member willing to stand (No Electoral College) and best bribe wins URR SORRY most votes wins.
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Re: Moderators.

Post by c.rainford73 »

This makes for a very interesting topic and I'm sure it could be interpreted as controversial too.

Being a moderator once was fun yet challenging at times. As times change and circumstances change could a moderator change? All open to suggestions I assume.

A fresh set of eyes or a new person elected from time to time may seem a very good idea. Maybe a periodic vote, who knows

Sure this one will be batted around a bit I hope in a positive and productive way :thumbup:
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Re: Moderators.

Post by Son of a gun-ner »

Like you say Shaun, you were once asked. But you turned it down. Many times the call out has been made for moderators, and as always, not one person steps forward. Therefore, the then moderators ask individuals that they hope will be suitable if they'd like to join the team.
In an ideal world it would be grand if people would step forward and allow the forum to vote for them. But, there has to be candidates willing to step forward.
This is probably because they are too sensible to want to be a moderator. Who the hell wants to put themselves forward for total scrutiny by the masses, to have to make choices that will upset some, and please others. Receive complaints from some for not doing something, then receive complaints for doing it.
Then you get the member/s that think it's ok to insult people from another country because of their nationality on a forum that welcomes all. Then said person loses their rag publicly because they didn't like the fact their post was deleted. What would you do in a situation like that, especially when it's not an isolated incident, and happens all too frequently. I guess you'd give them a free pass so that they can carry on with their diatribe and then this forum can die like some others, and end up on Facebook.
And then you get the activists, the ones that think they can whinge on and on about injustices, totally blowing them out of proportion, and not being able to see the bigger picture, continuing to derail the forum.
I guess you've been a party to the latest sob story on RCU, taking in the latest "I did nothing wrong" from someone with no integrity or honour, who got a bit salty over someone else getting more attention in his thread. Then decides to insult the average model builder in a pointless post.

The forum team has always been made up of various personalities, and anything that could be, or would be controversial is discussed before actions taken, this has always happened unless it is something basic within the moderating rules. Yes, there are rules for moderators. And it was quite a wake up call to learn to be a grown up.

And now a question. Why isn't there ever threads about moderators that say things like, "good job on keeping porn spam at bay?" Or, "good job at catching those spammers within moments?" Or, "well done for keeping the peace?" Or, "Well done for helping (insert someone who was helped with something)." No, never get any of that, just actions questioned by someone who only knows half the story they've chosen to believe without knowing the facts.

Anyway, it's now way past my bedtime. Goodnight.
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Re: Moderators.

Post by jhamm »

most of the moderation takes place in the background,
therefore most users do not notice it .....
It takes a lot of time.

Being a moderator is not easy and requires an overview, empathy and often a cool and clear head
to make fair decisions.

If a moderator is wanted, publicly ask for it,
just because that doesn't always bring success, it isn't in vain.

And I will gladly take the opportunity to thank the moderators for their job in the background.
It's nice here - you're doing a good job! :thumbup:

I hope you can read and understand this as I used a translator ...
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Re: Moderators.

Post by jarndice »

I/We now hear what you say but why has it taken so long to say it,
Openness would be so helpful in letting everyone know the ins and outs of the reason people need disipline.
At present a Moderator instead of confronting a member in plain sight who has breached the rules,
The Moderator instead deletes the offending text and the member is sent a PM and/or banned and that leaves a vacuum and a very bad taste amongst those of us who care but who have been left in the dark,
As soon as somebody transgresses the few :thumbup: rules of the Forum a Moderator once they become aware of any breach should step forward and in plain view tell them to cease and give warning about any punishment they could be liable to receive,
The "General" transgressed on a number of occaisions but before he was finally banned he first was warned, then he gained a "Restraining order" so he could remain a member but not participate pro tem and these restrictions got longer as each offence was committed until finally enough was enough and he was banned,
That is not what appears to happen now,
I say appears because we are not privy to the ins and outs of the process which brings me back to OPENNESS, Please.
Yes I vented my fears on "RCU" because the only way to fight fear is to confront it openly,
Of course no one thanks the Moderators for any help they give the membership it is the nature of the beast,
When you step up to the plate you are to all intents and purposes saying here I am throw rocks at me.
I could come on here and reveal the names and the content of PMs sent to me over the years for the alleged help they suggest I have given but that is as likely to happen as the chance of me downloading photographically any part of my life to this Forum and for the same reason.
I could also reveal the PMs sent to me by the Moderators "Asking me" :lolno: to be "More respectful" :lolno:
I and many other like minded citizens have given a chunk of my/their life (And a fair chunk of my limbs) to defending Democracy and when the people of a Country or a Forum are kept in the dark by its representatives it is wrong and I will always speak out in defence of free Balanced unbigoted speech just as I will defend anyone who steps up to condemn those who offend against it.
I think I am about to upset someone :haha:
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Re: Moderators.

Post by HERMAN BIX »

jhamm wrote:Hello,
most of the moderation takes place in the background,
therefore most users do not notice it .....
It takes a lot of time.

Being a moderator is not easy and requires an overview, empathy and often a cool and clear head
to make fair decisions.

If a moderator is wanted, publicly ask for it,
just because that doesn't always bring success, it isn't in vain.

And I will gladly take the opportunity to thank the moderators for their job in the background.
It's nice here - you're doing a good job! :thumbup:

I hope you can read and understand this as I used a translator ...

And that right there is what defines the essence of the spirit of those that chose to step forward & do their best to help here on your behalf.
Thank you Mr Jhamm, I for one genuinely appreciate your thoughts.

Mr Gunner has written very eloquently and diplomatically.....................& for that I shall quietly agree and await the flood of volunteers that wish to be considered for a Mod position.
C'mon folks, send your names via PM ( most Democracies still retain the silent and private vote dont they ?) to any Mod you choose, or, do it in plain sight if you like.

The public side of this haven of recreational distraction must remain just that..............a place that people come to distance themselves from their respective reality just for a while. It must not be allowed to become elitist or exclusive, nor a place that any one can slap-comment others or that anyone can decide to be almost Nationalist in demanding those from other nations with a tenuous grasp of this awful English language post only in English without consequence. Nor shall it be a place that tolerates the masses throwing stones without them first stepping forward for responsibility and accountability that earns them that right.
Its 2020, these are plastic & metal models.............its an on line forum for discussion about the hobby...........dont like it anyone ?- leave, that right is god Given and I encourage those that are unhappy to leave and make space for those that are.
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Re: Moderators.

Post by Jarlath »

On other forums I frequent, there has been a Moderator filled in message thread (usually located in Off-Topics) that was only able to be commented on by Mods, aka locked. That thread was literally called "BANNED Members".

A very short single commented that listed the following:
1. Who the banned individual is/was.
2. Reason for the ban (aka forum guideline violations, spam, moderator vote, etc...)
3. Duration of ban (two weeks, two months, permanent, etc...)

Regular users were not allowed to comment. It also saved a bunch of user posts of "What happened to XXXXX to get banned".

I know to do this is even MORE work for undervalued mods (and yes I've been a mod for several years on other forums, and no, I have no interest in being one again...).
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Re: Moderators.

Post by HERMAN BIX »

Very good points Mr Jarlath(shame you dont want another shot at it though!)
I cannot speak for the other Mod team guys, but, sometimes the laundry has to be cleaned in private.
There is sooo much that goes on behind the scenes in bursts, there is a section right at the bottom of the page that cannot be accessed except by Mods that has YEARS of this recorded, YEARS.
As long as this place has been around, there are records of discussions, decisions, disagreements, experiments, ideas and areas for improvement that just goes on & on...............thats the dirty stuff that gets sorted out for good of all.
Mods come and go for a myriad of reasons, some very recently have chosen to revert to members out of choice, some have been reverted due to inactivity, either way, the spirit and intent to preserve this place is shared by the entire team, and we all answer to the sole remaining founder of the place, Mr Dragon, who has stated at various times what he wants & what he doesnt.

Thanks for your very valid and relevant idea Sir, I'm sure the squad will enter into a lively discussion about it.
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Re: Moderators.

Post by Rad_Schuhart »

What I said many times is it seems the mod title seems to be lifelong granted. There should be some sort of mods reputation system or vote system or just to have the title some years on, some years off. We live in a democracy, don't we?

Many times is exposed the sentence "If you want to be a mod, step on" Well, myself have been proposed and encouraged by some members, and I always refused to it. But if I refuse is not for the time it takes, I already spend here loads of time anyway. Neither for the job it takes deleting spam messages. It is just because I don't like power.

In any forum discussion I don't want to be (or to seem to be) in a superior level to my counterpart. I want to be exactly the same, keeping humble, at the same level. I also believe the power corrodes and corrupts, like we all know, and I don't want that under any circumstance.

If there was a new mod version, where the name remains in blue and when nobody but the staff knows it, yeah, I could do it myself to and keep cleaning spam or giving my opinion in decisions to take (if there are any, which I don't know). But I would not send menacing private messages neither ban any user under any circumstances except those who are be really flagrant and against not only forum rules but laws.

Along the years we have been losing valuable members. I can think about Scalav, the guy who gave me some guidance on my first steps with real hobby equipment, Gary, because of his valuable videos and generous being, and yeah, even Ronnie which I had nothing against him... and more.

If for non important reasons the staff keeps kicking people, specially valuable members, this forum will be empty and I think that is not what we want.

So I demand again some sort of democracy, voting system or something. Mods say it takes time and energy to do their role, but there must be something that makes them stick to their position and not to refuse their charge even when people demands it.
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Re: Moderators.

Post by jarndice »

What interests me is the one thing in my opening original thread that was never mentioned was BANNING Members of the Forum,
Rather it was wondering about the replacement and appointment of Moderators and proffering one way the Forum might go about handling it,
If the status quo is accepted as not requiring change then so be it But if change to the system is accepted as necessary I am sure that many different ways of achieving it can be found and in the friendly way in which like thinking people deal with things I look forward to positive suggestions.
And as I said to RAD on a seperate post Please no more talk of Bannings.
I think I am about to upset someone :haha:
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