Panzer Spirit Build 2022 - ?

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Panzer Spirit Build 2022 - ?

Post by PainlessWolf »

Good eve to all
After some pleasant anticipation, my last Christmas present came in today (courtesy of the Mate! ) Well, after the truck is completed, I now have a new Spring Build to tinker away on. This has been a 'want' for some time and I am really pleased with the solidity and 'yes', updates that Taigen has done to the sounds and performance ( progressive track creep, real Panzer sounds and a truly, truly scary airgun ) This brute came direct from Taigen\IMEX in Florida and has some added bits to give the airgun recoil if I do my part right. (I can't say enough good things about Erik down there. The man is stellar!) I will probably revisit my Taigen Panther 'G' while doing this build and add some lower hull improvements I have been wanting to do as well. More cash for the Hobby Mill! ;o)
Pics ( click to enlarge )
Initial charge and test...Wow! Taigen has made some changes.jpg
Initial charge and test...Wow! Taigen has made some changes.jpg
Time for a truckload of Tamiya, Schumo and Aber goodness..jpg
Time for a truckload of Tamiya, Schumo and Aber goodness..jpg
The Paint is lovely...Like the Taigen Panther before, years ago, I will have to work to preserve it while detailing..jpg
The Paint is lovely...Like the Taigen Panther before, years ago, I will have to work to preserve it while detailing..jpg
Taigens Metal Jagdpanther....Hefty.jpg
Taigens Metal Jagdpanther....Hefty.jpg
The Good Stuff.jpg
The Good Stuff.jpg
Components to help rig up a recoiling barrel..jpg
Components to help rig up a recoiling barrel..jpg
Extra Goodies from Erik at Taigen.jpg
Extra Goodies from Erik at Taigen.jpg
Triple Boxed but worth the wait to get to the Prize inside.jpg
Triple Boxed but worth the wait to get to the Prize inside.jpg
Double box protection.jpg
Double box protection.jpg
A Last Late Christmas Present.jpg
A Last Late Christmas Present.jpg
Last edited by PainlessWolf on Sun Jan 23, 2022 6:44 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: 1944 Christmas Jagdpanther

Post by Von Mooflesaaa »

Now that looks like a beast.

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Re: 1944 Christmas Jagdpanther

Post by 43rdRecceReg »

It already looks like a feast for the eyes, Painless. :thumbup: :D Perhaps it's just the hors d'oeuvres, and you'll provide the main course with some trademark refinements (seasoning)!.
That's a really nice paintjob for starters :O I'd be reluctant to alter that, except for the absolute best quality decals, and a bit of toning here and there. Your package is also a reminder to me that I have the Tamiya static Jagdpanther waiting in the wings. I was lucky to get the MF-04 unit for it at Xmas for a knockdown price from Axel's'. I already have the elevation and recoil units. The biggest challenge will be finding a brace
JP compatible gearboxes. They'll have to be Tamiya originals or... 'gulp!' 8O ETO bespoke ones

Looking forward to dinner!
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Re: 1944 Christmas Jagdpanther

Post by PainlessWolf »

Morning, Gentlemen, Roy *chuckles* ;o) It is a Monster! Ever since I read the book 'Panzer Spirit' ( about a possessed Sherman and Jagdpanther going at each other in the wilds of 80's Germany ), I have wanted a very good RC version of each. Shermans I definitely have and now this beautiful Big Cat as well. I am itching to start on it but have the IE KR-11 truck and towed gun to finish first and then a bit of work on the Stuart ( new 3D printed tracks and electronics ) I am looking forward to a Spring and Summer well spent tho' I dithered back and forth between the Tamiya and the Taigen, Roy, but in the end, I nudged the Mate towards the Taigen. I wanted the metal lower, running gear, tracks and steel gearboxes ( and had heard a lot of good things about the new MFU ) and Erik's price + the bits to work on it with along with free shipping, wrapped this present up for me. ;o) You know me, fiddly brass is in this Tracked Guns future along with an upgraded speaker and other bits and bobs. To be fair to Taigen tho', right out of the box, it is obvious that they have made giant strides in manufacturing their high end versions. Father Christmas has made this old Wolf very happy!
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Re: 1944 Christmas Jagdpanther

Post by Soeren »

Hey there Payinless, very nice to see you start this project. I am following along and am really curious to see what your interpretation of this monster will be.
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Re: 1944 Christmas Jagdpanther

Post by PainlessWolf »

Heyas, Soeren,
I am excited to have a metal version of this tank as my Panther from Taigen was the plastic lower hull version ( I was still fairly new to the Hobby then ) Having seen how great the all metal lower is on this armor, I think the Panther will have to get one as well for an upgrade. Here is a pic of the Panther from years ago. Back then the accessory color I used was dunkelgelb to match. Now I think a lot of Rottbraun will be called for on this one.
Just a good looking Tank.JPG
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Re: 1944 Christmas Jagdpanther

Post by HERMAN BIX »

Going to be a ripper project Mr Wolf. Seems almost a shame to tamper with these things with such a high finish standard on the latest Taigens.
So, whats it going to be ?
early ?
Mid ?
Have fun researching :thumbup:
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Re: 1944 Christmas Jagdpanther

Post by PainlessWolf »

Mr. Herman,
Doing a cursory search, it looks like a late War paint scheme has been applied so I'll head that way. Lots of great Jagdpanther builds on here to get inspiration ( including your own )
;o) regards,
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Re: Panzer Spirit Build 2022

Post by PainlessWolf »

Good Morning all,
Now that the Jagdtiger Build from 2020 - 2021 is wrapping up , I think it is time to bring the 2019 Christmas Taigen Jagdpanther out and start on it. To give myself a challenge and also to bring an old idea to life, I asked for and received a new Sherman M4-A3 gun tank for Christmas this time. The idea is to do a Dual Build on the Jagdpanther and the Sherman 75mm with the Panzer Spirit novel in mind. Both tanks were drawn in broad strokes by the author's writing but there is enough meat there to lean me directionally in regards to a late stage of the War and some details needed. I looked around the Office for my old copy of the book ( from back in 88' ) and of course, it is packed up in storage. I ordered a new one online and it should be here soon. Here are some unpacking pics of my new Sherman. I have to say that Mato got their 'stuff' together on this one. None of the crumbly metal bits that plagued my build of their M36 B2. The only fly in the ointment was the Li-Po battery that came with the tank. I have ordered a comparable Li-ion battery to replace it with. I tested the actions the other night and am pleased to report that everything works as it should. This should be a lot of fun and will complete something I have thought about since back in the days when I dreamed about doing it with 1/35 scale motorized versions of the tanks. ;o)

Pics: ( Click to Enlarge )
Beautiful in an industrial fashion..jpg
Beautiful in an industrial fashion..jpg
Nicely done in better metal than my M36 B with room for a detail job.jpg
Nicely done in better metal than my M36 B with room for a detail job.jpg
The Genesis of my Sherman and Jagdpanther Panzer Spirit Build.jpg
The Genesis of my Sherman and Jagdpanther Panzer Spirit Build.jpg
Nice Mato Literature.jpg
Nice Mato Literature.jpg
There is a Sherman 75mm Gun Tank in there somewhere..jpg
There is a Sherman 75mm Gun Tank in there somewhere..jpg
I will save the foam.  It makes nice Tank rest blocks among other things.jpg
I will save the foam. It makes nice Tank rest blocks among other things.jpg
Enough bubble wrap and close cell foam blocks.jpg
Enough bubble wrap and close cell foam blocks.jpg
A long time wish fulfilled.jpg
A long time wish fulfilled.jpg
Is it heavy...Yes...Then put it back.jpg
Is it heavy...Yes...Then put it back.jpg
Santa delivers the last Christmas present.jpg
Santa delivers the last Christmas present.jpg
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Re: Panzer Spirit Build 2022 - ?

Post by PainlessWolf »

Good afternoon all,
Research and accessories stuff is already starting to come in. The newest copy of the Book this Build is springing from the pages of, showed up. A new Battery Charger to accommodate the Lipos and Li-Ions that the Manufacturers are shipping now with their armor. A couple of orders placed with Forgebear and Tank Modelbau will see the eye candy components dealt with. The Jagdpanther is switching from BB to IR\Recoil and the Sherman is already there. The waiting and anticipation game is on so I will content myself with getting the crew in the recently finished Jagdtiger and doing a video and post for it. In the meantime, here are a few pics ( very few ) of the ongoing start to this fun Build.
Pics: ( Click to Enlarge )
It is a fun read and has been the idea for this Build for years now.jpg
It is a fun read and has been the idea for this Build for years now.jpg
Now where will I find a Commander like that.....jpg
Now where will I find a Commander like that.....jpg
Easier to track down after 34 years than I had figured on.jpg
Easier to track down after 34 years than I had figured on.jpg
This thing seemed overly complicated to start but works like a charm once you sort it out..jpg
This thing seemed overly complicated to start but works like a charm once you sort it out..jpg
Took me a few years to embrace the smaller battery craze but I have the right tools now....jpg
Took me a few years to embrace the smaller battery craze but I have the right tools now....jpg
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