Torro King Tiger

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Torro King Tiger

Post by kwiky »

I got this a few days ago as a bonding exercise for me and my 6 year old son who has been spending way too much time on minecraft lately. I figured what better way to get him out of his room than with an rc tank! It's worked too, ever since we got it, he's been running it around the living room crushing everything in his path. I have a tamiya JP which he has seen me spend countless hours paint and detail, so he was always gonna want his King Tiger doing as well. I love painting model tanks, but I also realised that my taste and that of a 6 year old may differ, as would our standards of realism. I decided the best course of action was to comprimise, no way what I letting him paint it jet black or bright red or anything, it was after all still a very expensive model, instead what I'd do is show him many different but realistic KT schemes, and let him choose any he liked, and we'd do that one.

It didn't take him long to pick out this one at the bottom, Number 333 3./s.h.pz.abt.501 ohrdruf 1944


That suited me fine, its an attractive scheme and not too difficult to do, it means I can keep the original Torro base colour with its airbrushing, add the green pattern, do some weathering and we're done.

I dont have an Airbrush, I was going to get one especially to do this tank, but then I thought more about it and it really only has to please a 6 year old, and he might want to help paint it, so a brush would be easier and I used to get some great results with 1/35 kits in my teens, which were all brush painted. I also haven't worked out how to my wife to let me have an Airbrush, and after the expense of the tank itself, this way was safer!

So, here we go, I thought I'd document the painting so that anyone else that doesn't have an airbrush can see what is achievable with a brush and a pot of paint and many hours of free time.
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Re: Torro King Tiger

Post by kwiky »

The tank is already factory finished it a fairly well done desert yellow scheme, so I used that as my base coat, and set about adding the green stripes. I used Tamiya xf61 thinned with water at a 60/40 ratio, which meant that I'd need to build up the finish in thin coats, this helps stop the paint from going on too thick and looking unrealistic, but means you have do a lot more work. with a picture of King Tiger 333 on the computer screen behind the Tank, I small brush in my hand, and my paint, I set about adding the first coat, starting with the turret sides and then roof.



With the mixture being thin it goes on pretty patchy, but that's fine, my main aim was marking out the camoflauge pattern so I used a thinner brush than you might imagine. Once I build up a few thin coats, the patchiness with disappear.

Next I moved on to the gun barrel




And then the Hull itself.


I only managed to get the glacis and part of the left side done before a quick glance at the clock revealed it was 4am! Not a lot to show for 3 or 4 hours work, and I cant help but think how much quicker an airbrush would be, and probably better looking once finished too, but oh well, I've started now, and I will finish. washes and filters will bring a softer edge to the pattern, plus, who says that the crew of 333 didnt brush paint her, that's anything but a standard factory paint job, and besides, I like a challenge!
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Re: Torro King Tiger

Post by ALPHA »

Nice Kitty Kwiky....thanks for the pictures....don't worry about the time it takes to put down your paint too did an excellent job...and there is nothing written that says an airbrush would have went any faster...especially since those stripes are hard edged ;)

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Re: Torro King Tiger

Post by edpanzer »

Great job I was wondering how a brush painted finish would look as airbrushes are quite expensive love the result so far
Taigen Tiger 1 full option special edition airbrush paint IR equipped
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Re: Torro King Tiger

Post by Steelhammer »

What a great idea and I'm glad it's had the desired effect. Personalising it to his taste (with a little guidance).....well, what could be better! Nice photo's and story - keep up the good work :-)
Tamiya King Tiger (no options)
Taigen Full Metal T34 (winter)
Heng Long Challenger II (European camo')
Tamiya Tiger I full options (still in the box)
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Re: Torro King Tiger

Post by jarndice »

When I want to paint a camo pattern I use "MASKING PAPER", It is a low tack product that you cut to shape and put on the tank or aircraft and spray (AIRBRUSH/RATTLECAN) or brush then when the paint is dry remove the paper, because it is low tack you will not take off the underlying paint. :thumbup: shaun
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Re: Torro King Tiger

Post by ALPHA »

jarndice wrote:When I want to paint a camo pattern I use "MASKING PAPER", It is a low tack product that you cut to shape and put on the tank or aircraft and spray (AIRBRUSH/RATTLECAN) or brush then when the paint is dry remove the paper, because it is low tack you will not take off the underlying paint. :thumbup: shaun
My usual technique for doing this kind of pattern would be torn magazine pages(because it is non porous)...followed with a doubled over edge to clean up any overspray bleed...thing is ...It would take just as long to get it as precise personally I don't see an advantage to doing a paint scheme like this with an airbrush ;)

Hairdryer you could do thinner coats faster :D

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Re: Torro King Tiger

Post by PainlessWolf »

Good Morning,
Having done the 'Crackerbox Palace' in a three tone hard edged camo pattern, I applaud your choice of the hairy stick and approaching it freehand. Doing such a job without the aid of stencils or putty can be a bit hair raising at times but the satisfaction achieved upon successful completion is unmatched. Spending time with your son and having fun while at the same time teaching a skill is something very well done as well. The paint so far looks top drawer!
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Re: Torro King Tiger

Post by kwiky »

Spent the past few days pottering on with the King Tiger, I needed a trip to the model shop for some more paint supplies but as it was sunday it was closed, so we pottered on with what we could. I finished off the camo pattern, which in places was still thin and slightly patchy, but I liked the look of so opted to leave it. I then applied a filter of Tamiya Dark earth to help blend the green with teh dark yellow base colour and also begin adding slight streaking and grime marks, as well as very faint shodows.

Here shown with the glacis, turret top and gun barrel top having the filter applied, the rest of the tank still to be done.


I continued with the filter until the whole tank was done, here it is still wet, I allowed it to pool slightly in certain places to further add tonal variation to the different panels and areas of the vehicle.


And here it is next morning, nice and dry. As you can see its took a little of the 'newness' away from the finish and toned the yellow down a bit.


Today I went to the model shop to get what I needed to continue the next step, clear varnish, one rattle can of matt, and one of gloss. and one semi gloss pot of Tamiya Black.

it's minus, something, I dunno, its cold though, outside, so the rattle can work wasn't the easiest, I had a pan of hot water with me to sit the can in between coats. I only gave it a couple, just enough to give a glossy enough finish for the pin wash and decals, which I intend to place on the tank, and then brush over freehand for a more realistic finish.


Once that was dry it was time for the wash of Tamiya semi gloss black, the reason I like semi gloss is it tends to flow better and sometimes the flat black dries a chalky grey when its been heavily watered down. the final result will be totally matt finished anyway, the varnish will see to that.

The job wasn't the usual, neat, careful affair I am used too, but that's kids for you. Here is Jack enjoying some well spent father son time!


And here she is as she currently stands....



I need to have a little clean up with some thinners and a cotton bud once he goes to bed (I don't want him thinking he did it wrong) but apart from that I am pretty pleased with how she is coming along. Still got a long way to go, but I am finding the compromise between making her look realistic, and still having some childish fun, a really good one. In fact, it's taken me back to when I was young and starting out in modelling, and I looked at things through much more fun loving, innocent eyes. I think sometimes, we are all a bit guilty of turning a hobby into work and concentrating so hard on the final result we suck some of the fun out of the actual process.

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Re: Torro King Tiger

Post by jtracks »

That's a great looking KT Phil. I have one in the same base color arriving next Wednesday. If I come close to achieving what you and your son have done I'll be happy. Thanks for the photo's.

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