a T-54!

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Location: Ontario, Canada a T-54!

Post by ColemanCollector »

My son and I attended the Ontario Regiment Museum's "Aquino Weekend" on June 9-10 in Oshawa, Ontario, Canada. This is one of those hidden gems that I couldn't believe I'd never heard about. It is a small, volunteer run (200 volunteers lead by 3 paid staff), museum that has 140 vehicles, 100 of which are operational! Apparently the largest single collection of running military vehicles in North America. This place is unbelievable.

We splurged on the VIP tickets and attended all 3 days, plus a tank ride on the Friday. I selected the T-54, my son was really hoping for the Sherman but it was fully booked, so he went with the T-54 as well. Other tanks included a Chieftain, M60A1, and Leopard 1 and 2. Here's our mighty steed:
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View from the loader's hatch waiting to depart, and a cool view of the Sherman as we cruised past.
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Who's that guy grinning like Cheshire cat with a tanker's helmet on? This guy, that's who!
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Each day started with opening ceremonies featuring the museum's Leopards and a Chieftain roaring around the tank track and pirouetting--as much as a tank can--in front of the grandstands. Impressive to see, and feel!
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The day featured tanks on display as they toured the track, a Gulf War battle re-enactment, and an Operation Husky re-enactment that involved Canadian Forces in Italy during the Second World War. Just some of the great vehicles as they travelled by, and they were not babying these babies!
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Personal favourites to see up close and personal, and running were the Ram Kangaroo from the Canadian War Museum (hoping they bring their M3 Lee next year, too), the M7 Priest, and the Stuart you just saw above. After each demonstration event, the crews and volunteers were always happy to chat and let you poke your head into the vehicles.
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I'm beginning to think there's a Centurion in my life after finally seeing one in the flesh...
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A fantastic weekend as there were re-enactors camps, military radio comm groups, private military vehicle owners, and of course RC tanks! The CanAM RC group was there and it was interesting to see other people's builds and opinions on various manufacturers and conversion kits.

The museum volunteers are incredibly friendly and I lost count of how many times they asked if we were enjoying the weekend, and then "Hey, did you see the new Dingo armoured car in the garages?", or "Here, I'll get a ladder scaffold over so you get pictures of the inside of the Priest."

Here's a link to the museum's website:

Would I go again? Most definitely!

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Re: a T-54!

Post by Herr Dr. Professor »

Woo Hoo! What an opportunity you and your son had! Thank you for posting the photos. About the Priest: there appears to be a headless horseman in the pulpit? Am I deceived?
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Re: a T-54!

Post by MrChef »

Absolutely Awesome ! You look thrilled... Glad you had fun.
"Charlie don't surf"- Lt. Col. Bill Kilgore
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Re: a T-54!

Post by ColemanCollector »

Hah, Doc! I never noticed that his head had been replaced by the butt of a 0.50!

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