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Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 2:59 pm
by caddyshack
When you live in the Uk,where is the best and cheapest place to get the elmod system from ?

Re: Elmod

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 5:41 pm
by Tankbear
Is Caddyshack getting himself an early crimbo present?

Re: Elmod

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 5:49 pm
by Tankbear
When I was looking I didn't come across an UK based places. So I thought of buying direct from, but all that for another day for me got to pay my credit card :O :( following my holiday now.


Re: Elmod

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 12:52 pm
by Tankbear
Wow I would of thought someone would ofsuggested somewhere to buy by now.

Are you aware of the SLU module available, Caddyshack?" onclick=";return false;

I've been looking at it and although more expensive than the elmod (minus the sound card), comes packaged with more stuff, like tamiya compactable IR system. Draw backs I can see it doesn't look like it has the physics engine like the elmod, plus probably not transferable between different tanks models. i.e. tiger won't be any good in a sherman.

Anyway I'm going to e-mail them as i've a few questions.

Re: Elmod

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 3:13 pm
by caddyshack
Cheers now going to give the site a look over :thumbup:

Re: Elmod

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 4:00 pm
by caddyshack
Just had a quick look..1st off it seems to tick all the boxes which is good..but a bit of a worry is would you get hit for import and taxes on this? Or is it avaible some where else?

Re: Elmod

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 6:07 pm
by Tankbear
I don't think it is available from elsewhere so could get the import tax.

I sent an e-mail earlier asking a few questions and postage cost was one of them, when they answer they shed some light on the import tax issue.

But I suppose if you ended up buying ElMod from Germany you'll have same issue.

Re: Elmod

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 3:10 pm
by Tankbear
Right had a reply from Tim who distributes the SLU, he’s given me permission to reproduce his answers here.

Q. What is the current rating for the main motors? i.e. ElMod 20A per motor
A. I don't know what the current rating for the motors, but I was told that they will handle up to a promax 480 motor. I am not sure if that helps
TB – From what I could find the Promax 480 have a running current of 10A

Q. If I plan to use LiPo batteries (2cell 7.4v) does the unit have an auto shut off at 6v to protect the battery?
A. The SLU will work with LIPO batteries and has a voltage range between 6.5 and 12 V.

Q. Does the unit have any kind of physics/inertia facility to make the tank more realistic. Like the ElMod system?
A. As for inertia, there is none. But you do get very fine slow motor control, better than Tamiya

Q. Could you send an installation manual (for Heng Long tank) so I could have a look at what’s involved installation wise.
A. I can not send you the manual. It is under copywrite and I am only authorized to distribute it to those who make a purchase.

Q. What is the postage cost to the UK?
A. The last order I sent to the UK cost the buyer $60 CAD. This is unfortunate, but I have to fully insure every order including delivery confirmation.
TB – I’ve looked into this at ... e=document" onclick=";return false;
And looks like there will be customs duty and VAT on the full value + postage.
I worked this out as $269CAN to £168 +4%, + 20% = £210 (obviously this is an approximation)

So bit more expensive but still a possibility.

Re: Elmod

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 6:26 pm
by caddyshack
Thanks for the info tankbear :thumbup: What a great little system that whould be if you lived in Canada :'( . I think the Elmod has just creeped out in front, Postage wise as germany are in the Eu and they keep the over all costs down ;) there shouldn't be any duty charges. Also if you decide to put that system if a different tank. All you have to do is Dl the sounds for it off the web.
Its a great shame that one or more of the tank suppliers in the Uk stocked the elmod or similar system for us to buy. After all,when you buy from over sea's...and then it stops working for one reason or another, its not as easy to return as it would be if bought from the uk.

Re: Elmod

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 7:46 pm
by Tankbear
Yeah I agree.

I did some sums ElMod Eco & Sound Blaster 4 card came to about £170 but couldn't get an indication of postage but surely not more than £40? And your right as Germany in EU no import duty to worry about.

Shame no UK stockist, but times are hard I suppose.