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Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 7:06 am
by torpedochief
My Friends,

I have either lost my mind or found a neat and cheap way to make European looking cobble stone roads.

One of my kids favorite things is crackers I make using Ranch Dressing, oil and Dill. Well I just noticed that these oyster crackers look just like cobblestones!

So here is the plan or recipe:

2 Bags of oyster crackers
1 Old baking pan
1 Piece of Cardboard cut to fit above mentioned pan
1 Bottle White Glue
Varnish, dull coat, paint
Drywall mud
Mold making medium of your choice, IE RTV, Plaster, Cement whatever.
Casting Medium of your choice resin, fiberglass, epoxy, plaster, cement and again whatever

Place the cardboard into the baking pan.
With a glue roller or brush give the cardboard a nice coat of white glue
Arrange your "Cobblestones"
Let glue dry
Spray with varnish, dull coat, or paint
Let Dry
Thin drywall mud and use it to fill the spaces between the "cobble crackers."
Let dry
Varnish, dull coat or paint again
When dry remove cardboard and "cobble crackers" from pan.
Fill now empty pan with mold making medium
Use a release agent and coat your "Cobble Cracker Master"
Make a mold
Let dry
Remove master
Now cast roads until you have paved all of Europe.



Re: Roads

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 3:58 pm
by oldfeller
Hi torpedochief
Great idea Mate :lolno: ;) , looks good enough to eat :D :crazy: .

Re: Roads

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 5:56 pm
by Johnf
They look too tasty to use on roads. I have been inspired to make a tiger 1 from mash potato.
Very creative. Any pictures of finished road.

Re: Roads

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 6:45 pm
by sparks
Great idea, :thumbup:
and after all the hard work, you can get tucked into the creackers :haha: