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Work in Progress (First attempt)

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 4:32 pm
by merlin3977
Hello all,

Well, i've made a start on one my two projects; the Tiger 1. I was going to wait for all my nice metal bits but just couldn't bear looking at a plain grey tiger! am now waiting in eager anticipation for my uprated gearbox, metal road wheel set, turret mods, Graupner motors and all the other little bits and bobs i've spent my hard earned cash on! I attacked the tank with a number of different tools and materials and carried on over the weekend getting ahead of myself rather than wait so bear in mind it is a work in progress and i'll be retracing my steps quite a bit over te next few weeks!

Any way here are some in progress shots:
The Start........
The Start........
IMG_0177.JPG (60.37 KiB) Viewed 1407 times
Didn't want to buy etched grilles so made my own (not historically accurate though)
Didn't want to buy etched grilles so made my own (not historically accurate though)
IMG_0179.JPG (69.09 KiB) Viewed 1407 times
No More goodies to add so cracked on with painting what bits i had:
No More goodies to add so cracked on with painting what bits i had:
IMG_0181.JPG (47.83 KiB) Viewed 1407 times
Bit of damage work (that button thread really does cut well!)
Bit of damage work (that button thread really does cut well!)
IMG_0182.JPG (48.63 KiB) Viewed 1407 times
Bit more work to the chassis after basecoat and before first attempt at painting (p.s. used Krylon ultra-flat camo for basecoat as it's the best canned paint you can buy in my opinion) have used it on loads of airsoft guns and you can literally paint grease with it it's so good!
Bit more work to the chassis after basecoat and before first attempt at painting (p.s. used Krylon ultra-flat camo for basecoat as it's the best canned paint you can buy in my opinion) have used it on loads of airsoft guns and you can literally paint grease with it it's so good!
IMG_0183.JPG (61.83 KiB) Viewed 1407 times
Got rid of silly BB light and filled with green putty (how i love the smell of toluene in the morning!)
Got rid of silly BB light and filled with green putty (how i love the smell of toluene in the morning!)
IMG_0184.JPG (48.43 KiB) Viewed 1407 times
First ever airbrush use!!
First ever airbrush use!!
IMG_0186.JPG (70.97 KiB) Viewed 1407 times
And now for some Vallejo Panzer Green...
And now for some Vallejo Panzer Green...
IMG_0188.JPG (74.43 KiB) Viewed 1407 times
IMG_0189.JPG (67.58 KiB) Viewed 1407 times

Re: Work in Progress (First attempt)

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 5:11 pm
by mcevoyi
hi there merlin

keep up the good work ... its always great to see a modeller doing there kit bashing


Re: Work in Progress (First attempt)

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 5:36 pm
by xrad
great start there! a few coats of washes/filters and dust and it will be a fine model.

Re: Work in Progress (First attempt)

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 8:44 pm
by [ICE]monkey
great start, good job with the air brush
regards, ice

Re: Work in Progress (First attempt)

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 1:01 am
by Saxondog
Very Good start with the Tiger, like the paint scheme. Waiting for parts always is a bummer. Sax

Re: Work in Progress (First attempt)

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 5:06 am
by torpedochief
Looking like a winner! Some folks have that natural touch, and some of us gotta work for it. Looks like you have the touch! Looking forward to seeing that bad boy on the move!


Re: Work in Progress (First attempt)

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 5:10 pm
by merlin3977
Thanks for the positive comments guys. Appreciated! Am now just waiting for my metal wheel set, gearbox and barrell/turret mod and i can set about trying to finish it off. I've got a feeling this will be one of those models that i continously alter bit by bit. I also got a little carried away the other night on fleabay and have ended up winning a Tamiya Tiger 1 for a very good price! i only put a cheeky bid in and no way expected to win it but hey ho. I've had to get it delivered to my office as i don't want the wife to see it yet or she will kill me! :/ Looks like i'll be working on three tanks simultaneously now! Have to say that i've really been bitten by the tank bug and have a feeling i won't be sticking at just three models.......