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Wittmann's Tiger 007

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 1:21 pm
by Alan123

Here is my Wittmann Tiger 007.

Tamiya Tiger. (second hand)
Asiatam 3/1 Gearboxes
Robbe Speed 400 Motors
Tamiya DMD/MFU
Visaton 7FRS speaker.
HL turret turn mechanism.

Photos before painting: (I am not sure what the software has done to my photo links but it should show a complete pic of the tank, but you can get the jist of it from these cut down ones).


Detail shot of HL turret turn mechanism:


Inside layout:


Photos afer painting: (painting took ages and ages to do)


Here is movie with 007 in it taken at a recent model meeting:

Happy tanking.


Re: Wittmann's Tiger 007

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 3:10 pm
by Ad Lav
Lovely tank Alan - you must have had a hard job changing Tamiya's early to a late spec, all those extra bits, late wheels and zimmerit!

Looks great, need some slightly further away shots :D

Re: Wittmann's Tiger 007

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 3:29 pm
by Alan123
Yes it certainly took awhile to do, it is great that many of the parts you can simply get off the shelf now.

I do not know what is up with my photos, I uploaded them to photobucket and then linked them in to my report but somehow the photos have been artificially cropped.

On other sites the photos show up intact ok. Is there something I need to know about inserting photos into this forum, a little trick to resize them somehow?

Lettuce no!


Re: Wittmann's Tiger 007

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 4:47 pm
by 30+
Looking good! It is still debated if Tiger #007 really was Wittmann's own tank or if it just was a temporary one, until his own was repaired.

Anyway, a very good looking build!

Cheers, Jens

Re: Wittmann's Tiger 007

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 7:57 pm
by sassgrunt
You did a really great job on this, Alan! It is one I want to build, and I will use yours as a reference for it. Along with using the HL turret turn mechanism, it looks like you added a metal or plastic plate of some kind to strengthen the top hull. Did you epoxy it in place, or bolt it? Does it help keep the top hull from flexing? -Mike

Re: Wittmann's Tiger 007

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 9:24 pm
by Alan123
Dear Mike,

The original Tamiya Tiger has a squarish U shaped girder that screws in on both sides of the sponsons onto which the deck is screwed onto. This then gives the model cross bracing and something for the top deck to be secured onto, however in practice it is very awkward for battery removal and servicing etc.

What I did was to line the insides of the hull sides with metal angle bracket (superglued) so that the top deck rested on that instead, so now the whole top deck can be quickly and simply lifted off. The same angle bracket was used to make a cross brace which is sandwhiched between a wood and plastic firewall/bulkhead between the engine room and the electronics. This then stops the oil from flying into the battery/electronics compartment. I will secure this with bolts or screws in time but am leaving it so for now in case I need to do any major surgery due to teething problems.

Angle bracket both plastic and metal has been glued onto most joints for extra strength and rigidity.


Re: Wittmann's Tiger 007

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 10:03 pm
by [ICE]monkey
very nice indeed, to get the photos to show all the image you have to resize them in photobucket
regards, cliff

Re: Wittmann's Tiger 007

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 6:52 am
by sassgrunt
Thank you for the description, Alan. Yes, I see the details in the picture, now that you have pointed them out. The firewall between the gearboxes and the electronics bay is a very good idea - it will cut down on the oil getting where it shouldn't. I will try to do that on any builds I do, also. Thank you again. -Mike

Re: Wittmann's Tiger 007

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 4:21 pm
by Alan123
[ICE]monkey wrote:very nice indeed, to get the photos to show all the image you have to resize them in photobucket
regards, cliff
Yeah, but no, but, yeah but what size? :)

I think they are already at 800x600, what do I need to go down to?


Re: Wittmann's Tiger 007

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 5:58 pm
by 30+
I must admit, I totally missed the youtube video... It was great! Must have been alot of planning to get it right.

Cheers, Jens