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The Fighting 118th

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 10:15 am
by pcsguy88
Hello fellow tankers.

A couple buddies and I started a website and forum focused on 1:18 military models and action figures in 2009. It was an interesting year with the death of 21st Century and the Birth of JSI. Since everyone basically agrees that 1:18 armor is dead for the forseable future, I've been trying to convert the heathens to my true love of 1:16 armor. I figure if I'm going to pay $80 for a Tiger I, it better have motors in it. Anyways, I asked Matdragon if I could recruit some help and he agreed. Thanks Matdragon!

I would like to find some tankers here willing to register and show off your 1:16 armor on my site. This is in no way an attempt to siphon off members, but a way to expand the 1:16 hobby to a group that is already collecting similiar sized static vehicles. The way I see it, the more, the merrier in the 1:16 world. It has really picked up steam over the past 2yrs and new buyers with full wallets means new models.

If you want to help the cause, you can find us at
Do not register on the frontpage, go into the forums at the top and register. I think you will find it very familiar since it was founded on the same principles as RC Tankwarfare.

Thanks for your help,