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Russian Izba in 1:35 Scale Scratchbuild

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2023 1:20 pm
by jaxenro
Although this is 1:35 you could make any scale just by changing the log sizes, opening sizes, and overall dimensions

I wanted one more project to keep me busy while waiting on things on the other two. The Izba is a traditional Russian log cabin and dates back hundreds of years. The older ones are made almost exclusively of wood with a wooden foundation and no metal to speak of. Typically small, under 300 sq ft, with round logs but some are squared off logs or even heavy boards. Usually one room, divided by curtains, with a large wood stove for heating, cooking, and even sleeping on.

The round log style at this scale looked a little too much like dowels so I went with a squared off look. I grabbed a few pictures for examples but mine isn't a copy of any particular house. Traditionally the floor is clay and any spaces between the logs is filled with clay as well

The first picture shows a small house or hot house (like a sauna) with squared logs


Detail of a slightly different style with squared logs


and the inside showing the large stove


I used 1/4 square sticks, roughly sanded at the corners to represent squared off logs. 1/4" is roughly 9" in 1:35 scale and I went with 6" by 8" overall so slightly less than a scale 18' by 24'. This would give me an interior size of about 300 sq ft

normally the corners would be notched and interlocked but I just went with simple but joints overlapping each row


here i have started the stacking. the front door started on the second row and the windows will start on the fifth. On the second row up on the left you can see the small piece I glued in at the end to make it looked like the logs are notched and interlocked


and here I added just a touch of filler to the corner piece. I plan to use the wood filler to represent the mud and fill any gaps. Essentially I glued in an oversive piece and cut flush with a razor saw after it dried. When I have the walls all built I will sand it all to length


Re: Russian Izba in 1:35 Scale Scratchbuild

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2023 2:15 pm
by jaxenro
I left the “logs” a little rough may even try to carve in a few cracks, or split a “log” and glue it back together. Will be going for a weathered faded peasant look

Re: Russian Izba in 1:35 Scale Scratchbuild

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2023 5:34 pm
by Ecam
To make it easy, 2.18 or 218% is the enlarge factor from 35th to 16th.

Re: Russian Izba in 1:35 Scale Scratchbuild

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2023 10:20 am
by jaxenro
I think as long as the height, windows, and doors make sense exact measurements are not an issue.

A 1/2” stick would be an 8” log in 1:16 which is a good size. The 1/4” I am using technically is 1/4 of 35” or 8 3/4”. I am making the door and window openings 1” wide but will frame them with 1/32” basswood so they end up about 33” wide. The door is 2 1/4” high or 78 3/4”.

At least that’s the plan for now

Re: Russian Izba in 1:35 Scale Scratchbuild

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2023 2:35 pm
by jaxenro
Basic walls are up need to add the filler blocks at the corners and sand it all flush
since I am not doing an interior I added some strengthening sticks to the inside

Re: Russian Izba in 1:35 Scale Scratchbuild

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2023 9:15 pm
by jaxenro
so did the weekly shopping at Krogers who knew they carried scale model doors and shutters? I didn't

still need to do a little cleanup but not too much because I am going with an aged finish. Just maybe to define the door versus frame a little

Re: Russian Izba in 1:35 Scale Scratchbuild

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2023 9:19 pm
by jaxenro
the doors just placed in the opening not glued in yet

after I apply the aged wood finish I plan to "knock off" some of the rough parts of the wood then give it a second coat. I will finish the door and shutters separately then glue them in

the plan is the main house will be weathered grey, the door, shutters, and roof shingles a weathered brown, and a mix of grey and creosote on the bottom foundation log

Re: Russian Izba in 1:35 Scale Scratchbuild

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2023 3:26 am
by Herr Dr. Professor
It will be interesting to learn what you use for the weathered finish.

Re: Russian Izba in 1:35 Scale Scratchbuild

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2023 3:45 pm
by jaxenro

Re: Russian Izba in 1:35 Scale Scratchbuild

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2023 5:04 pm
by Herr Dr. Professor
Ah, yes, that’s quite a similar product to what I use—easy to do with good results.