1/16 Panzer II F announced

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1/16 Panzer II F announced

Post by sassgrunt »

I know nothing about Gecko Models, but they are announcing this kit to release in (about) August: https://www.themodellingnews.com/2022/0 ... scale.html
All I can say is: It's about time!
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Re: 1/16 Panzer II F announced

Post by Kaczor »

Gecko Models makes obscure Allied vehicles in 1/35 which no other company makes. Examples of their models. Looks like nice quality kits.
https://www.super-hobby.co.uk/catalog/S ... r=37587077

Finally, it will be possible to fill the "German tree" with a workhorse of the beginning of the war.
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Re: 1/16 Panzer II F announced

Post by Trora »


Will not interupt you
In Hlpf in germany sales Willi one full rc model of a Luchs with a metal hull , metal Treib und Leitrad and tracks in metal

a set metal tracks with Treib and Leitrad

and a set metal tracks if someone is interested

Greets Ralf
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Re: 1/16 Panzer II F announced

Post by PainlessWolf »

Good Morning,
Early War? I am there. Workable suspension means resin or metal tracks so RC is a thing. Thanks for the Heads Up, Mike!
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Re: 1/16 Panzer II F announced

Post by jarndice »

Painless you probably know as much if not a lot more about the PZ1/2/3 and 4 as I do,
The single most assuring thing about the Panzer 2 was the suspension was changed completely at least 3 times, none of the the Panzer light and medium tanks had decent suspension although the Panzer 4 prototype did give that tank a good chance with its torsion bar arrangement unfortunately the purseholders said no and the PZ4 was lumbered with the godawful 1/4 elliptic spring suspension that no one likes.
But with the multitude of choices on the PZ11 at least you have pretty much free rein in what you do.
I shall watch your build if you succumb with interest :clap:
I think I am about to upset someone :haha:
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Re: 1/16 Panzer II F announced

Post by SoCalBobS »

35RCTank's Luchs conversion should be adaptable to this version. The biggest difference would be adapting or replacing the Luchs torsion bar setup.
Renault FT, British WW1 Mk. 4), Pz 1A DAK, 1B, II L, III, StuG III, PzKpfw IV, StuG IV, King Tiger, T-34/76, KV-1E, T-35A 3DP, Zik-2, T-90, M3 Lee, M4 Sherman, M26 Pershing, M41 Bulldog, M1 Abrams. In the works: Ram II, Pz 1 Breda. :crazy:
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Re: 1/16 Panzer II F announced

Post by B_Man »

SoCalBobS wrote:35RCTank's Luchs conversion should be adaptable to this version. The biggest difference would be adapting or replacing the Luchs torsion bar setup.
The tough part is finding that kit. I picked up an unbuilt Luchs cheap on eBay last week and emailed 35RC to see when they would have stock again. They do have plans to do another run sometime in the future but didn't have any real timeframe. They also said their kits are produced by hand in very small numbers so grab them when you can.
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