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Wartime Orkney

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2022 10:25 am
by Lenny Warren
Churchill Barriers, the Italian Chapel, relics from the German High Seas Fleet and HMS Tern.

Re: Wartime Orkney

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2022 6:49 pm
by 43rdRecceReg
Nicely filmed and edited, Lenny. It's also good to see the wain following Covid guidelines :thumbup:

When the British fleet in Scapa Flow- (Orkney, for those geographically a tad challenged)- was attacked, in October 1939, and HMS Royal Oak sunk by Günther Prien's U-47, measures were taken to defend the harbour more effectively. At the same time, naval convoys were now to use Loch Ewe in Wester Ross, as a starting, and assembly point for Russian Convoys- partly because it was further away from potential Luftwaffe attacks, than Scapa Flow, and notionally more inaccessible to U-Boot attacks.
Here's a grainy film about Loch Ewe in wartime, and some info on the Museum that was created as a result of the clamour for recognition of its role in the War, and the terrible losses visited upon the Merchant Navy, and Navy, in maintaining the flow of war matériel (tanks, guns, planes) to Russia, via Murmansk, in the notorious Arctic Convoys.\
phpBB [video]

This is the Russian Arctic Convoy Museum link:
I live only a mile from the museum- lucky me. :D