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Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2021 12:32 am
Let’s not go into the race controversy, I might say something that I would need to ban myself for, but what do you think about the sprint race qualifying format?
It’s done in WSBK and in the sprint race yesterday it was entertaining as well as pure.
No team strategy, no undercuts or overcuts in the pits, just get out & go.
I liked it.

I feel that to add to its validity that more points should be on offer, but as is brings a lot more value to the fans I reckon


Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2021 1:02 am
by jarndice
It was an untypical English summers day in that it was warm and dry and for the first time in 18 months a full house of Punters were there to watch their heroes,
This combination was absolutely what the sport needed BUT if it had been raining and the cream of the cars and drivers had been removed through accidents what would have been the overall view of that meeting and F1s future?
These cars and their drivers cost a fortune and it is doubtful that any of the minor teams would last long if they wrote off a car in more than two "Sprints" over the duration of the season.
Writing off a WSB or even a Moto GP bike in such a revised qualifying event would probably be bearable but imagine a Saturday afternoon F1 sprint around Monaco or any of the mickey mouse inner city circuits it would be mayhem leaving a raceday grid with only half a field whereas Silverstone was built for this kind of adventure.
The way forward is V12/16 internal combustion engined cars but not petrol/Gasoline powered but Hydrogen zero polluting fuelled engines,
All the noise and excitement plus the skill the drivers would have to exhibit to get an environmentally friendly grossly overpowered car to the finish line,
I would pay good money to watch that :thumbup:
Just a thought :haha:


Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2021 5:16 am
by jhamm
F1 is showbusiness...
It hasn't been a sport for a long time - it's all about money.
There is no "sport" that is as regulated as F1.
Here in Germany, F1 is no longer on free TV - and in all honesty, I don't miss it.
Look at the NLS = Nürburgring Endurance Series, this is real Racing... ;)


Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2021 10:30 am
by jarndice
jhamm wrote:F1 is showbusiness...
It hasn't been a sport for a long time - it's all about money.
There is no "sport" that is as regulated as F1.
Here in Germany, F1 is no longer on free TV - and in all honesty, I don't miss it.
Look at the NLS = Nürburgring Endurance Series, this is real Racing... ;)
Absolutely right, When large sums of money become an intrinsic part of a sport you can wave goodbye to the "Sport" and say hallo big business,
A memory that will last forever was watching the Porsche 917 long tail on its last official outing at the Nurburgring Enduro, Another tick on the bucket list :thumbup:


Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2021 2:30 pm
by General Jumbo01
If you remove all the regulations and budget limitations so that anything goes, would that help? I doubt it. F1 is probably the most technical and technological sport on the planet so you cannot run it on a string with club type rules and standards.

I hate the FIA but it has to be there. The stewards are regularly criticised for their decisions but, again, someone has to referee the chaos.

I liked the new Friday but Saturday practice 2 was an anticlimax and, after the Sprint, l found the Sunday GP felt kind of pointless. Maybe we should have one practice and qualifying on Saturday and then just the main race Sunday. I felt the good weather, the crowds and the superb Silverstone circuit maybe showed the new format in too good a light for fair comparison.

Regarding the 'accident', Hamilton was just driving like Verstapen normally does, hard but fair. I hope that this doesn't escalate into a foolish rivalry and l hope Max recovers fully and quickly. Hammies win felt a bit hollow with Max out of it.


Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2021 3:07 pm
by jhamm
General Jumbo01 wrote: Regarding the 'accident', Hamilton was just driving like Verstapen normally does, hard but fair. I hope that this doesn't escalate into a foolish rivalry and l hope Max recovers fully and quickly. Hammies win felt a bit hollow with Max out of it.
Yes, i agree..
Max is known as a hard racer and it was only a matter of time that something would happen...
I would have bet on Charles Leclerc he drives very hard too.
The following soap-opera between Marko/Horner and Wolf was unneccessary,
just like the racist remarks against Lewis.


Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2021 3:11 pm
by jarndice
General Jumbo01 wrote:

I liked the new Friday but Saturday practice 2 was an anticlimax and, after the Sprint, l found the Sunday GP felt kind of pointless. Maybe we should have one practice and qualifying on Saturday and then just the main race Sunday. I felt the good weather, the crowds and the superb Silverstone circuit maybe showed the new format in too good a light for fair compariso
My point exactly.


Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2021 10:33 pm
by Gillaspy2005
Gotta say I did like the Friday night qualifying however the sprint race was a little flat. It did kind of make the Friday night qualifying a bit pointless.

Enjoyed the race on Sunday. Max has been very aggressive all season, pushed lewis off the track a few times earlier in the season, notably Italy on the first chicane. Think lewis simply decided he wasn't having any of it anymore.

Horner and max's comments after the race were ill judged and fuelled the online morons in my opinion although they clearly didn't mean it too. The racism is hateful and will only be tackled when the government legislate against the social media companies.

On a funnier side my girlfriend knows more about f1 than anyone I know, she was buzzing when lewis won, was carnage

Sent from my SM-G986B using Tapatalk


Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2021 11:21 pm
by Snowwolflair
Hydrogen, good idea in theory, except in a high impact and the tank would rupture and the driver would not have a chance,

.....and no need for a cremation later.

Max has been playing chicken for long enough, might be smarter next time.


Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2021 12:31 am
by Tiger6
Snowwolflair wrote:Hydrogen, good idea in theory, except in a high impact and the tank would rupture and the driver would not have a chance,

.....and no need for a cremation later.
Actually this in not true - the hydrogen dissipates so quickly that there is little chance of a major fire occurring - you'll get a very short lived blow torch effect as it escapes the tank, if you get anything at all.
Hydrogen is probably the least dangerous fuel when compared to the alternatives like Gasoline, Diesel, and LPG, and all are currently being used on the roads today.

Toyota demonstration video of a tank being punctured here:
phpBB [video]

(Go find a video of a nail puncture test of a vehicle battery pack and ask yourself which one is scarier to watch...)

The bigger problem will be the storage of the hydrogen. Currently the 'state of the art' tanks available for vehicle use can hold gaseous hydrogen at 700bar, which requires a very heavy structure - the rule of thumb is for 1kg of hydrogen, you need 5kg of tank. Unfortunately this does not scale because the bigger the tank, the weaker it is at the same wall thickness, so fuel cell vehicles currently have multiple tanks holding about 1Kg apeice or thereabouts.
That said, Ross Braun's recent comments about hydrogen being a possibility for the future makes me think that he knows something about what kinds of storage technology might be out there that could become viable for an F1 car in the next 5 years.

Sadly to say for those of you wanting to go back to noisy engines, they will still have to be highly boosted to achieve the performance requirements, and will likely still be V6's to minimise the mechanical friction losses while maintaining a low profile in the car.