Found a guy that makes 1/16 scale modern accessories. He made most of the accessories that i need for my M1A2 project! JUST PERFECT!
Some are 3d Printed, he build tanks, and most of the stuff are scratch build. he still have to do a lot of clean up and put some details in....most is old school machining
He can do a bulk order to save on shipping cost. Any question, shoot him an email.

(Price List (Dealer pricing available))

1/16 scale Water Can (set of 4) U$18.95

1/16 scale Gas Can (set of 4) U$18.95

1/16 scale “HI-LIFT” Jack Stand (1) with Decal U$9.95

1/16 scale 50 Cal. Ammo Box (set of 4 Closed) with Decals U$11.95

1/16 scale 50 Cal. Ammo Box (set of 4 Open/with 6 Ammo Belts) with Decals U$15.95

1/16 scale 7.62 Cal. Ammo Box (set of 4 Closed with Decals U$11.95

1/16 scale 7.62 Cal. Ammo Box (set of 4 Open/with (6) Ammo Belts) with Decals U$15.95

1/16 scale Large Water Jug (1) U$15.95

1/16 scale Medium Water Jug (1) with Decals U$12.95

1/16 scale Large Cooler (1) U$10.95

1/16 scale Small Cooler (1) U$8.95

1/16 scale Stretcher Board (1) U$10.95

1/16 scale 40MM Ammo Box (Set of 4) with Decals U$12.95

1/16 scale Pelican Box (Large) (1) U$16.95

1/16 scale Large (6) & Small (6) Water Bottles (cast in clear) with Decals (Price to be determined)
Make Checks Payable to: Andy Meyers or “Special Ops Models” He also do PayPal….can send you an Invoice
Special Ops Models
New York Ave. Unit 6
Melbourne, FL 32935