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Tiger colours

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 6:16 pm
by mickyb
Hi guys.
Being a new lad to this hobby I scoured the websites such as ours for inspiration. On my travels I found a great tank. See attachment.

I have just ripped apart a perfectly good tank (all your fault) in order to do the appropriate upgrades and mods ( your fault again) well I dont want
to feel inadequate when I get to meet some of you guys in the flesh do I. The mods and upgrades are going to be relatively easy as I only need an
angle grinder, welding gear and a big hammer ::)

But, Having purchased a Badger Expert......I discovered that I I mean. I have coated the shed, worktop, and the right hand rear
leg (kerbside rear ) of tortoise ...who just happened to wander across the temporary cardboard spraybooth.

Jokes aside, I would like to use the colour scheme of the Tiger in the attachment...... 2 problems....I cant remember where I found the
fotos, and is this colour scheme propper cammo as used on Tigers, or is it just a great tank. Cos I luv it anyway.

Does anyone recognise the Tank.... I would like to speak to the owner / builder about how he did it and the colours used.

Hope you all had a great weekend............Mike

Re: Tiger colours

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 6:26 pm
by Norse
thats a very well done Tiger tank is the colours

and ... 0_133.html is the tank that in theory is what the guy modeld it off ie both are Tank 133

Re: Tiger colours

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 7:56 pm
by mickyb
Hi Norse how you doing?

I see you got your plastic girders ok....I git the Zimmerit kit and I'm practicing lots.

Thanks for the pictures they will be a great help when I get the monster built. The mysterious colour scheme is like British cammo colour isnt it....I do like it a great deal.
I have just posted a question about El-mod, I want to keep the HL cards and use El-mod for sound and turret effects......battle kit later. As I am not at all technically inclined I certainly need advice on what I should order and how I should connect it. Everyone is so helpful here that it makes the hobby doubly enjoyable.

Thanks again....seeyah sometime I hope........Mike

Re: Tiger colours

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 8:04 pm
by Norse
Yea i got them ok, also got a hobby's catalogue, check my post called Czech hedgehogs in the show off area.

About elmod, you have to have  a Thinktank Booster (motor control) to be able to have a TLS (Turret stuff) and Blaster (Sound) there is no soldering, you just cut the wires from the motor near the circuit board then put them wires into the Booster power connector

Re: Tiger colours

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 8:08 pm
by adin
You could argue the colours with the authenticty police if you like. I've been doing some research into tigers and it would appear that sometime in early '43 German tank crews captured a stockpile of US olive drab and painted their Tigers with it.

Not sure if it fits in with the timeline of this tank,but its a great true story non the less :)

Re: Tiger colours

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 9:08 pm
by mickyb
Hi  fellas. I find it remarkable how much knowledge you guys have amassed.... all this tank info concentrated into a relatively small number of people.......I am beginning to feel that I am in the midst of a bunch of wierdos.....I should collect beer mats instead.....Mike ::)

Re: Tiger colours

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 9:20 pm
by adin
Ahh - beer mats, now your talking lol

Re: Tiger colours

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 11:27 pm
by Rivetcounter
Adin, where was this paint captured from the Americans I would be very interested to hear.
The paint work on this Tiger is fictional

Re: Tiger colours

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 12:31 am
by adin
Hi matey.

I've been reading "The modelers guide to to the Tiger Tank" It's in 1/35 scale but it's pretty darn good. It mentions this happening in and quotes it from another book called "Tigers in combat 1" which I have to admit that I haven't read yet. The model is of a Tiger from Shwere Panzer-Abteilung 501, The tank that is featured with the coloursceme is one from early '43


I've found Tigers in Combat 1, online, it's by Wolfgang Schneider and can be found at this link ... lt#PPP1,M1

I quote from the book

" The battalion insignia was painted on the front hull plate either just above the drivers front vision block, or to the left of it. In order to make the tank more suitable to the vegitation in North Tunisia some tanks were re-painted with olive drab paint captured from the US army.This colour was darker than the original sand-olive colour."

At no time did I think that the camo pattern above was real,and I'm sorry if I gave that impression - such is the way of the internet sometimes. I just mentioned a good true story to throw at the Authenticty Police  ;)

Hope this helps :)

Re: Tiger colors

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 10:27 am
by Rivetcounter
0z wrote: hello all, mickyb, your tiger is a late version due to the steel wheels ( January 44 onwards ) and i have seen pics of tigers with the numbers in this particular place on the turret, 1st SS leibstandate Adolf Hitler  especially, and the Germans did paint their tanks with captured allied paint this was just after the battle of the kasserine pass ( feb 43 ),  but these were early and mid production vehicles, which had dished wheels, the color of the green would depend on how it was applied eg, brush spray gun or with mops or rags, and how thickly it was applied or what it was thinned with, water or petrol, the paint came in a big tin much like a big boot polish tin and applied anyway they could, so in that respect the green can range from black green to a very light pea green. this is my first real post and don't wish to seem too full of facts so please excuse me.... :)
At no time did the LAH have there numbers to the rear of the turret sides only on the front turret sides like most other units the picture shown is of 510 taken near Akmene Russia this was a unique positioning of the numbers only used by 510, no mid Tigers ever served in north Africa.

Adin, I only asked where you had got your information from I wasn't disputing the fact I anticipated your answer would be North Africa in 1943 paint wasn't in short supply and as Schneider reports some tanks where painted this means only a small number not all, the \Germans like any army used whatever captured equipment they could in this case paint though it would be latter in 44/45 before it would be used again