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Upward and Onward

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 2:49 pm
Many of you have already heard of my kit bash attempt to create a M24 CHAFFEE LIGHT TANK....
Well it's upward and onward.... as I just finished a good portion of the lower I mated the lower of a Pershing with a Panther was almost a perfect match...
I installed low profile gearboxes and the tracks as well

Sorry no pictures yet... I don't know how you all do it.... stop to take pictures that is :think:

but hopefully I will have some later today ..... not of the creation... but the point I'm at now

Have a great Weekend Gentlemen...That Tankery meet sounds like a blast :thumbup:


Re: Upward and Onward

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 9:16 pm
fynsdad wrote:A Chaffee has been on my "to do" list for quite some time 8) 8) 8)
Hello fynsdad... I was pretty surprised to find that the only CHAFFEEs in RC were 1/6th scale :O....But after viewing what you...phil and some of the others have done here... and having a good supply of junkers... I said to myself "go for it"

It's pretty surprising... as the progress has been pretty good ...I have less than a week in it... and i'm ready to test the chassis :D ...switching to converting the PERSHING... instead of the WALKER... is what did it I think.... the transition was pretty swift the boggie / shock placement is closer to the CHAFFEE than the WALKER...which at first seemed to be the logical candidate.... I even evaluated the turrets... and though the WALKER is similar...I'll probably Mod the PERSHING'S it has a better foundation ;)

Keep your fingers crossed fynsdad... because if this works... turning out a CHAFFEE.... will be easier than some may have thought.... and for you with your knowledge ..skill... and supply of parts ... child's play :thumbup:


Re: Upward and Onward

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2013 12:22 am
fynsdad wrote:It's all a question of scale. The Chaffee was a LOT smaller than the Pershing so although like yourself you can make a good model on the Pershing running gear it will probibly be closer to 1/14th scale. When I get round to building one I would like to display alongside my 1/16th collection so I'm trying to get as close to that scale as I can ;)
Actually I did size it down quite a bit.... the nice thing about the pershing is .. the hull is relatively small (thinner than the WALKER)...I used the motor mountings from the panther... and had to cut that down close to a half an inch on the sides to squeeze it into the cut I made in the pershing's ...the overall chassis as it stands is already a tad smaller than the walker.. so hopefully my measurements are good....
The challenge will be the upper hull and turret..but the cool thing is I was able to retain four screw points... so securing the top to the bottom isn't a concern

The only thing that I had to bend on is the tracks...the CHAFFEE'S can't be found... they are in between the SHERMAN and the since I have a bulk load of PERSHING tracks i stuck with those :haha:

Should this thing turn out... It's going to be a fast little tank... it's already a little shorter than the stug .... a tad wider because of the tracks... the overall profile will be a little taller than the pershing.. as from what i've collected in way of information... the point where the turret sits is higher than most tanks.... then tapers downward

Reasons I found the WALKER to be totally unsuitable for the far I haven't had to source one for any of the conversion parts i needed...I don't think I will get even close to 1/14 scale in the final product ...but I guess the proof will come when it's finished ;)

I'll let you in on something fynsdad.... if it hadn't been for your inspiring photos of your sherman... I probably would have left this project on the back burner ....thanks for the inspiration :thumbup:


Re: Upward and Onward

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2013 9:18 am
fynsdad wrote:Cheers Alpha, it sounds like you're on top of it ;) Don't get too hung up on things like the tracks. As with most scratchbuilt stuff you will need to compromise a little, I ended up using Pzr3 tracks on a Hellcat I built :/ plus if you've already got them it saves money as well, which is always a bonus :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha:
I think I should call you OBI ONE fynsdad... that's another masterpiece :D that a reversed WALKER chassis? outstanding job! :clap: ...

Sorry I didn't get any photos of my CHAFFEE yet... took pics of four of my others.... and am still wondering how you all do it lol... it turned out to be a job and a half lol
not to mention... i'm a little intimidated I now have to please the masters :haha:

Thanks for the advice about the tracks.... I agree totally...especially in this genre of modelling and building not only on a budget...but limited parts resources ..add into that.. I'm not all that patient....when i build ..i build... and don't like to stop to wait for parts ....lucky for me so far...i think i have all the plastic to build the BULK of the CHAFFEE....which makes physical and mental endurance the key in this build :crazy:


Re: Upward and Onward

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2013 5:55 pm
fynsdad wrote:Yep, she's got a bulldog chassis. although I did cut it straight down the middle lengthways and narrow it by 12mm :D
Well.... She's a beauty... I always liked the tank destroyers...I don't recall seeing her in the family portrait :haha:
Ever build a GRANT ?....Been thinking about doing one of those too.... the only thing is powering the main gun and the mini turret :crazy:

Re: Upward and Onward

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2013 8:35 pm
fynsdad wrote:She's not in the portrait but her sister is, albeit unfinished. I actually built "double trouble" for a friend and then "hellcat honey" which I have sold on :(
YOU BUILT THREE OF THESE? :O do you make and keep patterns for the HULLS / TURRETS? One day I'm going to have to pick your brain on that British Sherman...there might be a day when I get the gumption up to destroy my current Sherman to build one of those :crazy: