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Re: 1/12 Scale Hetzer

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2021 10:47 pm
by Spinnetti
Probably an irresponsible purchase but......

Makes you realize how small the Hetzer really is.

Re: 1/12 Scale Hetzer

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2021 11:42 pm
That shot sure does !!

Re: 1/12 Scale Hetzer

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2021 7:27 pm
by Spinnetti
Well, after putting in some long hours Saturday doing final assembly, putting the drivetrain in and adding all the wheel covers etc. I'm VERY pleased to say that the 1/12th scale Hetzer runs and drives perfectly, using the full scale method of drive and with scale speed and plenty of power - much more power than my HL stuff despite being a single, small motor and a 2S lipo (5000mah). It powers over stuff without strain and will idle down to just a couple RPM while sounding practically like the real thing (due to the literally hundreds of moving parts and over 40 bearings no doubt). I didn't even have to reverse a servo or trim anything - worked first try. Its quite loud, and at full throttle it sounds like its going to blow up, just like the real thing would lol. While there are a bunch of little fiddly details to finish (running light, brake light, periscopes tools and mantle cover) that stuff is all easy - just time consuming, so I'm going to take a break a while and work on some of my non-AFV projects for a bit then will come back to this on and off for the details. I also need to find somebody locally to paint and weather as that's not my thing. Thanks for following along, and I'll be back now and then before I start on the Stug for the next one.

See if these links work for video ... bCfuGI5WgT ... x05URqeP9D
Next to my (modified) 1/16th Scale HL models. The Jagdpanther is set up for FPV driving too which is fun. Once I build those in 12th scale in the next couple years, I'll sell these off.

Re: 1/12 Scale Hetzer

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2021 11:30 pm
by Herr Dr. Professor
All along I have been interested in the unusual RC single-motor and differential steering. Now I noticed from the first of the two photos you put up immediately above that your hull is so tidy, everything fit in an orderly and clean way. Ja! Doch sauber mit der Ordnung! Oooh, how German (and Swiss, and who knows whatever other good folks around the world).

Re: 1/12 Scale Hetzer

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2021 11:51 pm
by Spinnetti
Lol. Thanks. I didn't think it was heritable and though I was born and grew up in the US, but my mom is a German (more precisely Bavarian) citizen, so engineering complex machines must be in the blood :)

Re: 1/12 Scale Hetzer

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2022 1:56 am
by Spinnetti
With not much else going on, I made lots of design updates and reprinted lots of parts over the holidays.
- Modeled the gun shield finally
- Modeled Notek light
- Modeled antenna mount
- Modeled forward vision blocks
- Modeled Jacking block
- Modeled main gun periscope
- Corrected various parts of the front fenders
- Corrected the side and rear periscopes to scale
- Corrected "handing" of the Schurtzen hangers
- Corrected exhaust exit shroud mounting
- Corrected air intake fan grille vane direction
- Corrected driver vision ports
- Minor functional adjustments to final drive internals and mounting
- Minor corrections to roof penetrations and hatch closure flanges
- Minor tweaks to the rear convoy light
- Superstructure and roof revisions
- Updated bogeys, implementing the slight differences between front and rear in the spring pack and spring holder
* and many other little detail corrections

Re: 1/12 Scale Hetzer

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2022 6:20 am
by square4
Some good work there, will watch for updates. :clap:

Re: 1/12 Scale Hetzer

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2022 11:18 pm
by Spinnetti
This was the last big assembly to do. I've still got the tools to do yet, but that's about it. I got a new giant 3d printer, and I'll be able to print the hull and superstructure in one main piece each now too.

Re: 1/12 Scale Hetzer

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2022 2:38 am
by Herr Dr. Professor
"I got a new giant 3d printer, and I'll be able to print the hull and superstructure in one main piece each now.' Indeed, that must be a huge printer! What a fine advantage to be able to print hulls and superstructures in one piece and soon turning out whole armored divisions. :)

Re: 1/12 Scale Hetzer

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2022 8:26 pm
by Spinnetti
Well, that will only work with the "little" AFVs like the Hetzer, Stug and so on. For the Medium and heavies, will still need to be 2 pieces, but not 3 at least :)

Printed (FDM and SLA) the MG mount. the gun mount is as full scale and rotates and pivots as you'd expect. I took this pic without the left shield to show the details, including the little periscope peeking out at the bottom. Today was the last day of my winter break, so back to work tomorrow!