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Re: World's smallest 2 channel twin motor RADIO CONTROL Tank

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2019 3:26 am
by modler
Peregrine wrote:It's like little minion tanks.
Someone should put a 1/16 Tiger or KT in the middle, and few of these minions painted yellow all around the bigger tank. It would make for a great photo :)
Yes I would do that but I do not have a 1/16 tank. Don't want either as no room to store it. I have +300 models so wife thinks i am insane now lol :crazy:

Re: World's smallest 2 channel twin motor RADIO CONTROL Tank

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2019 2:34 pm
by modler
Recently rewired the tank so that the motors are in parallel drive as opposed to series wiring. added a gun barrel to the Tan Panther as well. And a power on LED. The Led is on when the switch is on and the tank is not moving.

The Tan Panther micro Tank can run in a very small area so a kitchen table is ideal. A small scale obstacle course can be set up on the table for a challenging run while sipping some morning coffee :)

Re: World's smallest 2 channel twin motor RADIO CONTROL Tank

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2019 12:44 pm
by eddiesolo
A lickle Panther...'One day I will grow up to be a proper big tank.' So cute!

Re: World's smallest 2 channel twin motor RADIO CONTROL Tank

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2019 5:17 pm
by modler
eddiesolo wrote:A lickle Panther...'One day I will grow up to be a proper big tank.' So cute!

No this one is not going to grow up and in fact it has its legitimate place as the world's smallest "Radio Remote Controlled" 2 channel tank.

These very small tanks have a place in my collection because they can be operated in a very small space. I can run round and round the bathroom sink with this little bug. Not something a larger model can do. I have many remote controlled models of many scale size and enjoy them all as I am a radio control enthusiast and have been for 40+ years ;)

Re: World's smallest 2 channel twin motor RRC Tank?

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2023 5:34 pm
by modler
I just got some very small ESC's that may allow for these tanks to be upgraded to Hobby grade electronics 8)

This will require my smallest HG radio setup to date.

Re: World's smallest 2 channel twin motor RADIO CONTROL Tank

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2023 6:18 pm
by modler
Rad_Schuhart wrote: Fri Mar 22, 2019 8:23 pm Thats cute, lol. And you always can mod one and make a Goliath!
Oh I just noticed this post with the link! thank you so much ;)

Re: World's smallest 2 channel twin motor RADIO CONTROL Tank

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2023 6:33 pm
by modler
Eastern Front wrote:Wow,

Technology is so awesome,,,even now you can get an RC tank in 1/16, 1/10, 1/6 and 1/4 Wow!!! :crazy: :crazy:

Just kidding!! I was going to get a set for work, you know on those slow days, have a battle with the Boss!

check out these conversions for your 1/35 scale models!


Oh thank you so much Eastern Front for that very good link :O

The scale has finally been figured out 1:77 !

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2023 9:26 pm
by modler
Ok boys, I am going for it, "World's smallest Hobby Grade RRC Tank @ 1:77" with DSMX 5 channel RX with Telemetry, dual motor track control.

I have a little time to make this happen. Thanks to the new Ultra micro ESC with Track mixer and a RX42 Ultra micro RX

Now comes the fun part, wiring it all together.

The Panther here is 1:77 scale. One thing that I do know is that this is the smallest RADIO CONTROL Tank available at this time even in its stock form with the Toy Grade radio control system

It will now get a upgrade to 5 channel DSMX Telemetry Receiver with the smallest dual channel ESC with mixer that is available at this time.

Wiring the connectors

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2023 3:08 pm
by modler
It is going to take me some time to add descriptions to the steps involved here. I am trying to do this in descending order of steps with the pictures which requires some patience. If you have ever posting something like this at this site you know what I mean ;)

I use connectors in all my projects. It makes it easy to debug and check components individually. Plus I may swapp a component out or upgrade and so forth and the connectors make it much easier.

Everything done here requires patience. this can not be rushed. I have many hours in posting topics like this and with something of this intricate nature, I may have to edit out errors so my posts here and elsewhere on this site are continually checked for errors and or added info as I like to be accurate in what I am presenting here. I also use these posts for a reference of my work. Feel free to ask any questions.

Here is a short video of the Panther's first running as a Hobby Grade Radio Control Tank

Re: World's smallest 2 channel 2 track motor RRC Tank?

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2023 3:25 pm
by Ecam
I know those are micro connectors, but they look absolutely huge compared to the ESC! Fascinating work on such a miniscule scale. I struggle with room on 16th from time to time.