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Re: Tamiya-Tiger I early vehicle

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2014 12:03 pm
by Guido Henn

@ Geoff: thank you :)

Back to the model, I made a mistake something with the weight of the aluminum disk, so today I made a 4mm thick steel plate.

Incidentally, the rectangular opening is milled because of the lift / lower Servo.





The disk has a significantly higher weight, because I'm going to try and test a little
what the rotary engine has to say.

I could very well imagine that is annoyed Tamiya TigerI & II drivers could use as a counterweight good because it sits the weight of the tower really central and deeper. o-

When I tested it continues here ......

Regards,Guido :wave:

Re: Tamiya-Tiger I early vehicle

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 12:43 am
by Merlin707
Great build thus far Guido, looking forward to the finished article.

Re: Tamiya-Tiger I early vehicle

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 6:17 pm
by Guido Henn

@ Merlin: thanks 8)

I have tested the rotary engine now long, so far he works without problems. :)

So and now more pictures, at the time I edit the details and etched parts,this is not my best discipline. :{

When exhaust protection I deviated slightly from the assembly instructions,
1mm screws / U-plates and base I soldered and use it as bolts that come through the back wall and be there with a nut.




and then here's a mudguard, (even without wing nut), the thread is still somewhat reduced.
And the winds with the holders, really crazy to solder these parts so that you can move it, I'll never intended to take the wind out of the holder.



To be continued.............

Regards, Guido

Re: Tamiya-Tiger I early vehicle

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 9:53 pm
by edpanzer
Brilliant build can't wait to see the finished tank

Re: Tamiya-Tiger I early vehicle

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 6:31 am
by hotte8487
Excellent work at your Tiger Guido...
...etched parts are very difficult to build for me; my fingers are to thick. :haha:

Re: Tamiya-Tiger I early vehicle

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 10:31 am
by billpe
Great work. If you sold those aluminium discs, they'd sell. I'd buy one for both my King Tigers and Tiger 1.

Re: Tamiya-Tiger I early vehicle

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 9:01 pm
by greengiant
WOW, what a conversion. excellent work.
I built 2 of those kits as static models back in the early 1970's, one with cutouts to show off the internal details. And I thought I completed a big job. (putting all the track pads together took forever).

Re: Tamiya-Tiger I early vehicle

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 9:59 pm
by FredtheFrench
This tiger is awesome of details. Very great job.

It will be early wheels or late wheels? I ask the question, because with the feiffel filters, normally it is a early tiger, therefore with early wheels.

I am waiting next pictures with impatience... :thumbup:

Re: Tamiya-Tiger I early vehicle

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 12:06 pm
by Guido Henn
Hello friends of modeling,

at the moment I do not have time to work on the model,
in the shop and at work is too much work currently :{

The disc are now already in the shop,but they are now made of steel and about 240gramm weight.
I know i dont have to make advertising in my threads,but if someone asks,i will reply.




Have a look at HennTec in the www.

about the wheels,for sure there will be early wheels on the modell 8)

Regards,Guido ;)

Re: Tamiya-Tiger I early vehicle

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2018 1:00 pm
by Guido Henn
Hello everybody,

after a long construction break for various reasons, work is being done here again. :{

At the moment I'm going to build the etched parts, that will take some time. I just take pictures of it gradually.







Because it is indeed a driving model, I have equipped the Feifel tubes with 3x3mm magnets, so it is guaranteed that if the engine deck needs to be removed, it can lift without damaging anything.

The pipes from Aber are worth their money and easy to build.

Best regards, Guido :wave: