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Re: 1942 DAK Panzer IV

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2020 12:17 am
by PainlessWolf
Good afternoon!
Lee! Thanks for looking in, my friend! It is not designed to be detail perfect but just have some eye candy added and a tighten up and test of the upgraded electronics. I know I will end up putting in steel gearboxes one of these days since Zinc ones do not have a long life out in my 'Rough' ( especially with metal tracks and sprockets, idlers, etc... ) Weathering to follow and another figure. ;o)
HDP! Thank you for looking in as well. Earlier in the thread we discussed the manner in which fuel was transported on the Panzer when traveling to and from the battle sites. This seems to be mostly an early War occurrence as the Luftwaffe losing control of the skies certainly put a damper on Panzers traveling anywhere. I have seen the Panzers with those roof racks mounted carrying fuel, water and a mix of both. Fuel drums mounted on the rear deck, one but mostly two at a time. ( I used one so I could still rotate the turret ) Very good photos may be found in Waldemar Trojca's 'Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf. A-F at War'
Painless ... /panzer-4/

Re: 1942 DAK Panzer IV

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2020 11:57 am
Talk about bad timing Mr Wolf.............all that white stuff outside & a desert coloured Tank :/
Damn I wish for a white xmas, and you have yours already :haha:

Re: 1942 DAK Panzer IV

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2020 1:50 pm
by PainlessWolf
Good Morning, Mr. Bix!
I hear you. ;o) The weather has righted itself up here and now is back to late Summer \ early Autumn. I hope we get a lot of snow this Winter. I am ready for some moisture. I will have the tank out for an outdoor video here soon ( hopefully ) along with the usual teeth clenching Countertop Test. ;o)

Re: 1942 DAK Panzer IV

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2020 6:44 am
by PainlessWolf
The Panzer IV is complete now save for a severe Desert weathering job and one large Detail to be named later ( when it shows up ) Here is a Photo Dump from the last couple of weeks worth of modeling...
Pics: ( Click to Enlarge )

Re: 1942 DAK Panzer IV

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2020 6:51 am
by PainlessWolf
Pics Dump Continued!
Pics: ( Click to Enlarge )

Re: 1942 DAK Panzer IV

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2020 7:06 am
by PainlessWolf
Pics Dump Continued:
Pics: ( Click to Enlarge )

Re: 1942 DAK Panzer IV

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2020 7:13 am
by PainlessWolf
Pics Dump Continued:
Pics: ( Click to Enlarge )

Re: 1942 DAK Panzer IV

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2020 8:24 am
by Ad Lav
Lovely work - the DAK armour has a certain something about it doesn’t it?! :)

Re: 1942 DAK Panzer IV

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2020 6:46 pm
by PainlessWolf
Good Morning!
I've always wanted a Desert Panzer. I was excited back in the day when the Pz III came out but when HL released the Pz IV, I knew the day would come. I bought the base tank for this build right as the Hobby Tank World was migrating to the long barreled 'Special'. It was in the Kit stash for a long time. When I received the 'D' version for a research Build, it was time to have fun and unleash some of Erwin Rommel's merry crew on the rest of my vehicle collection. ;o) Walking the balance between something I can run and enjoy vs something I can sit and look at and enjoy is always a thing. I had to pull it apart the other night to adjust the recoil gear in the Taigen box. It came apart in relatively few pieces without breaking anything so I think I succeeded. Weathering and one more thing to add and it's Video time!
regards and thanks for following along,

Re: 1942 DAK Panzer IV

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2020 10:58 pm
by 43rdRecceReg
Lots and lots of visual treats for us to enjoy here, Painless :thumbup: It's the armour equivalent of a sweetshop (US: candystore) or Wonka's Chocolate Factory :D
Many bits impress, but those Panzer crew figures are really rather special- a complete universe away from 'Crazy Joe'.
Love the detail and definition in them :thumbup: