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Re: Taigen V3 MFU

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2018 4:47 pm
by Arnie_DK
Aparently this boards wasnt so "not ready" afterall.

Its just become available at Taigen/Imex own webshop ... /tag120604

Re: Taigen V3 MFU

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2018 10:45 pm
by Max-U52
Yeah, Imex now has the V3 board with the ability to disable that nasty track recoil and it comes with the sound card for 50 bucks (USD) but they no longer include the RX cables so you have to shell out another $14 for those if you want to run a hobby grade TX.

Still nice to see new stuff, though, and I happen to know that the reason they added the track recoil disabling feature was a direct result of input from us cats on the tank forums. I think it's very cool to have a vendor that actually listens to us! 8)

Re: Taigen V3 MFU

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2018 7:22 am
by Arnie_DK
Yeah. I followed the discussions on RCU where people more or less was shelling Erik for a Track Recoil disable feature :)

Its nice he listens. A lot actually :)

Re: Taigen V3 MFU

Posted: Mon May 21, 2018 10:24 pm
by gp100
Nothing from nothing still equals nothing.

Still second rate junk electronics..

For that kind of money, you can buy a TK22 or 24..

Hell, better yet, add a few more bucks and buy an IBU system.. Better board all the way around.. Either way, almost any damn board out there is better than the Imex crap..

Re: Taigen V3 MFU

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2018 12:20 am
Got mine yesterday.
Seems its not all simple p-lug & play.
have all functions working, except the fire control.
Elevation cycles continuously and no gun control at all.
I hope its just simple wire positioning but it may not be !

I also looked at the TK22 unit, but the thought of piss-farting around with of all things- a TV remote- to program it, put me off.

Re: Taigen V3 MFU

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2018 12:53 pm
Ok, I presume this:

The H/L does not have the correct 8-pin cable and plug to accept the Taigen turret/recoil/elevation/rotation requirements to enable all normal functions.
I will need to get hold of an 8-pin cable and hull connector plug (row of 8 and a single 3-pin socket & connection points for the rotation.
Without these bits, an H/L tank wont work with the Taigen recoil/elevation mechanism or V3 electronics.
I'm running at about 95% certainty on this.

Sounds great, seems to be quite controllable, but Im not able to close up & finish of yet.
Very frustrating.

On a good note, any Taigen tank will be a would better for the V3 system.

Re: Taigen V3 MFU

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2018 3:52 pm
by forgebear

Re: Taigen V3 MFU

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2018 6:15 pm
by jarndice
Dave I would suggest that Hermann buys the "DKLM" Turret rotation motor that you sell and instead of the "8" Pin socket with the "3" Pin and the end that's needs Heng Long/Taigens turret rotation motor to be soldered in place that he buys the "8" pin plus "3" pin Plus "2" pin that you sell,
The DKLMs Turret motor which carries a plug slots straight in,
So just the headlights and MG to be soldered onto the other end.
Like I say just a suggestion.

Re: Taigen V3 MFU

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2018 9:52 pm
by forgebear
good call yep we have that all in if he needs it thanks dave :thumbup:

Re: Taigen V3 MFU

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2020 8:19 am
by h5djr
With the Taigen v3 mfu are you able to change which transmitter stick is used for drive and which for steering. I have several Tamiya tanks and with those the left stick is used for forward/backward control and the right for steering and I would like to purchase a RTR Taigen and have the sticks operate the same.