Torro T-34/85 switch from BB to IR help

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Torro T-34/85 switch from BB to IR help

Post by Spiffmeister »


I have a Torro T-34/85 BB tank, with Taigen V3 electronics. I also own a Torro IS-2 IR tank, also with V3 electronics. I'd love to switch the T-34 to IR so my son and I can battle each other with IR.

Now, I know I need to flip out the BB unit, which I should be able to do because I replaced it once completely before. But I have quite a few questions about the IR unit..

First off, where could I buy one of those? has 2, one for Panzer III/IV and one for Tiger I. Which one do I need?

Second, is the installation difficult? I can do some electronics soldering, but I'm not a model builder. If it requires technical adaptations, I might be in a bit of a bind :p

Lastly, the recoil system. I know the IR sets come with a gun recoil set, which means switching out the stock gun, and replacing it with a recoil capable gun.

Where could I find such a gun for the T-34? But also: could I not just install the IR kit, and not use the recoil kit? By disabling it somehow?

I'll probably get a lot more questions as continue, but this is what I have sofar :)
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Re: Torro T-34/85 switch from BB to IR help

Post by Herr Dr. Professor »

As you likely know, Torro and Taigen are the same, but with paint variatons. Although I have changed out electronic MFUs and more in Torro/Taigen tanks, I have never changed out BB to IR or visa-versa, so others will have advice on that move. Yet if it's of any help, here are the sources I have used for Taigen/Torro tanks, parts, electronics, accessories, and more:

In the U.S. Taigen Tanks: ... ts/t-34-85
In Germany: Torro:
Licmas also known as RC Tank Deutschland:
Heng Long Tank Deutschland: ... -zubehoer/
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Re: Torro T-34/85 switch from BB to IR help

Post by Spiffmeister »

Yup, I'm aware of that, thanks!

I've browsed those sources, and have had some really good experiences with, I've asked them for some info about this but haven't heard back yet.

I'm actually considering selling the BB Tank at this point, and buying a new IR Tank, it might be an easier solution with less hassle. But we'll see how it goes :)

Thanks for the response!
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Re: Torro T-34/85 switch from BB to IR help

Post by Spiffmeister »

Cool, RC gave me a very clear answer:

"it's not so simply as you think.
You will need a PIII/IV recoil unit, the flash unit, a new Gun for the recoil(I am not sure if the BB gun is fixed with the mantlet of the gun or free...) and the IR system with IR receiver and cables.
We don't have this barrel in stock, you then must try with the existent one.

If you only want to have the IR system, it's also possible with your BB unit/Taigen V3 board. You can fix the unit on your tank and push the cable in your board. The only thing is the BB unit will always work when you shoot and send the IR signal.
V2/V3 Infrared battle system Taigen / HL, 16,90 € (

By the way, the recoil unit as spare part is always without the IR system.

Or you change the turret against the version with recoil unit and IR system.
T-34 - new upper hull with 360° metal turret, Taigen recoil system an, 99,95 € ("

This gave me some more understanding of the system. I might just buy the separate IR System, and try and get that to work. If it doesn't, it's not such a big loss at € 17.

Unless I sell the tank first at a good price, whichever comes first :)
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Re: Torro T-34/85 switch from BB to IR help

Post by MrChef »

Sorry I missed where you are located in the world.

Another option to consider is Dave at Forgebear. Here is the upper hull and IR turret included fully loaded ready to plug and play, just needs to be painted and finished but for the money IMO that's what I'd consider. Best luck= ... a_Red.html
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Re: Torro T-34/85 switch from BB to IR help

Post by tankme »

Personally, I would just disconnect the BB system, connect an IR LED, wire up an apple mount, and then use a LegoDEI apple. If you were in the states, I have an entire T35/85 IR turret I'm not using as I removed from a T34 that was converted to a tank destroyer.

But that is just me and who knows if it would work since I don't use Torro/Taigen mainboards. I know that would work with a HL board as you can jumper CN6 which bypasses the BB system. Not sure if you can do that on a Taigen board, but it looks simpler to do after looking at the wiring diagram.
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