Commission Builds?

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Re: Commission Builds?

Post by HERMAN BIX »

Mithras wrote: Sun Nov 19, 2023 10:30 pm So my partner very much wants a Honey Stuart…

Are there any reliable custom builders? I might very well be interested in something for myself. I am a fairly decent painter, so I wouldn’t necessarily need a painted example, but being very new to the build side of this, I don’t think I currently have the skill set to custom build anything.
There are a couple of those that I have seen.
One in the U.S. with some Oddball username and another out of somewhere else known as Henshelporsche ... 6bMvBqwAEg

Outstanding work, but pricey.

Jnewboy at a pinch, and hell, why not PM Mr Mcq11 here as hes got no limits for pulling off a masterpiece.
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Re: Commission Builds?

Post by HERMAN BIX »

I'd be happy to build one for you, but the postage would burn that idea down to where I live. :headbang:
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Re: Commission Builds?

Post by MonsieurTox »

Meter rat wrote: Mon Nov 20, 2023 7:34 am You say you do not have the skills? You have to be prepared to fail to get good. Classy Hobby do a kit in 1/16 of the Stuart. These are quite small tanks, but It may be possible, using readily available parts, and a second hand TK6 transmitter and receiver to get a simplified running model.
Yes it is possible, we are several here to have converted the Classy Hobby into RC. It was my first RC conversion and it went pretty straight forward, I used the cheap TK 7 transmitter and received and the standard HL gearbox, I just had to shorten the shaft !
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Re: Commission Builds?

Post by tankme »

It just happens that your significant other decides they like two tanks that aren't readily available as RC versions...typical...:)
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Re: Commission Builds?

Post by STHV »

Even a different variant of a vehicle that is available can be a nightmare.
My Panther Ausf D has had to become a scratch build due to just how much is different from the already available Ausf G, it may as well be a different tank!
My Ausf A will be a walk in the park by comparison!
Panther D (WIP)
Panther A (WIP)
Panther G (WIP)
Jagdpanther G2 (WIP)
Tiger II (WIP)
Pz.Kpfw. VIII Maus V2 (WIP)
Pz.Kpfw. II Ausf L (WIP)
Sd.Kfz. 234/2 (WIP)
Leopard 1A1A1 (WIP)
Turm III (WIP)
VK 45.01 (H) (WIP)
Churchill VII (WIP)
Chieftain Mk 3 (WIP)
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Re: Commission Builds?

Post by Mithras »

Meter rat wrote: Mon Nov 20, 2023 7:34 am You say you do not have the skills? You have to be prepared to fail to get good. Classy Hobby do a kit in 1/16 of the Stuart. These are quite small tanks, but It may be possible, using readily available parts, and a second hand TK6 transmitter and receiver to get a simplified running model. For a commissioned build I would think it would be quite costly to do, due to possibly having to fabricate custom parts, and if you then find you do not like the hobby you would be left with a lot of expense which you will not recoup as there is a limited market. Or alternatively do what Jarndice, a man full of wisdom, said. Get a Tiger 1, and buy your partner a T34 or Sherman. You could work on them together, research them, battle each other, and if you find the hobby is not for you, you would be able to move them on without too much loss.

There was a person on here under the avatar of SoCal Bob who has built a couple of the smaller tanks, using parts from Heng Long 1/30 scale tanks. May be worth contacting, but he has not been on here for a while.
I'm not sure why people seem to be misunderstanding me. I am quite willing to learn, and quite capable. I've posted elsewhere asking a number of questions about a number of models. I don't particularly wanta Tiger.

This was a specific request for a gift from my partner for this Christmas. This is something she's very interested in, and quite passionate about. I do not currently have the skills to build one of them.Nor do I have the time. I was merely asking which individuals offered commissions, and of those few who I've found, whether I should be wary of any. I wasn't interested in a debate about whether or not I could build them. I've built models for years. I understand RC and I understand how to operate RC, I understand tanks, and I know how to drive one or two of the real ones. Again: I understand that people need to "get good" or whatever the current equivalent is, but I would like to enter the hobby with a full range of options, rather than doing something I'm not particularly interested in. "Get good" is usually used in the US to tell someone they haven't really got the intellect to learn a skill. That they should probably give up and leave.

Since it seems that nine tenths of every model are Tigers, for some reason, and because I've not -seen- any kits for Japanese tanks, or anything lighter than an American Sherman, and I'm told the major manufacturers seem to have no interest therein, I thought I'd try asking about commissions. Just as someone in a Model Warship Club might ask for a source for a hull she doesn't have the tools to fabricate, or an RC warplane operator ask for a painter who can do that Austro-Hungarian lozenge pattern he'd like to use on the wings of his favorite mount.

When she (a talented seamstress) was looking to have my favorite version of the Indiana Jones jacket made or acquired, nobody told her "buy a Member's Only Jacket, see if you like it, then take it apart to see how it looks." The response was, "yes, this is a learned skill: leatherwork has to be learned over time, and you're trying to do something special for his thirtieth birthday. Here, these suppliers make accurate jackets, and if you want to level up, it's a good place to start."

When I started miniatures gaming, nobody said, "well, you should start out by casting your own miniatures, really. Then you'll appreciate the real root of what makes this hobby fun."

I 3D sculpt ironclads. The skill doesn't come overnight. It isn't something that can simply be done in a weekend. I have learned several technical skills.

None of that solves my desire to, when for once having money, wanting to procure a gift for someone. Nor does it solve the problem of time. I don't have time to tear apart a Tiger, learn the electronics, and then whip

My impression, if I understand it, from responses is thus:

* Buying a RTR tank from Heng Long, Torro, etc., or a kit, is fine. Nobody will look askance.

* Commissioning someone else to build a tank for which there is presently no commercial kit is right out.

I apologize for having offended some of you, and will hereto keep my questions to myself.
"I have seen the first of the new tanks today. They are beautiful."
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Re: Commission Builds?

Post by tankme »

I wasn't offended at all. I understand the need to sometimes purchase rather than do. I bought a Firefly conversion kit from Dean and realized it was going to take me a long time to build so I bought one of this Fireflys already converted. It did however cost me about $1100 after shipping and it did break in shipping so I had to buy parts to repair it. There used to be some folks in the US that did custom builds for folks. OKC tanks took on too many builds, was a poor business person, and then had family issues so a lot of folks got screwed out of money. There used to be some folks on eBay that would have, "Contact me about custom builds or commission work," but I haven't seen most of them in a long time. Dean from DGS in Canada used to custom builds, but he recently stopped and has been downsizing some. John from East Coast Armory might be a resource to do a custom build, but it won't be cheap. John does state on his YouTube vids that he takes on custom work and to contact him at to discuss the build. I will say that a month to do a custom 1/16th tank is not enough time as you said you wanted it for a Christmas present.

Since I'm in the US, those are really the only resources I know about at the moment. Unfortunately the market for custom tanks is pretty small right now and the ones that are custom tend to be quite expensive. There are a lot of man hours put into detailing tanks.

The M5 Stuart that was teased to be released was from Coolbank Wang. He is a ex-designer from Heng Long as I understand. That tank was teased at least 6 months ago so it could be released 6 months from now or never for all we know. Wouldn't be the first time a tank was announced that was never brought to market.

Hopefully that helps.
Last edited by tankme on Tue Nov 21, 2023 1:34 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Commission Builds?

Post by tankme »

And by the way, don't get put off by people. Most of the ones here are just trying to help. We get a lot of inquiries from a lot of folks with varying skill levels. Some have no clue what they are getting into. I doesn't seem you are one of those people, but there is a pretty steep learning curve with tanks to know all the control board choices along with all the different upgrade options. There are even more tanks than ever before with the advent of 3D printing, but saying that the more mainstream tanks that started this hobby (ie: Tamiya) are drying up.

There is one person I know of that got pissed off and banned from this site in recent years because he was asked to police his "humor". That person is still bitter even though he was asked to come back. Other than that, this is a pretty non-toxic zone which is rare for the internet. Even us Yanks get along with the folks on the Isle... :) Well as long as they don't try to tax and make us drink
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Re: Commission Builds?

Post by Herr Dr. Professor »

Mithras: here's a long shot. Some time ago I did some editing for a French couple who sell RC mechanisms for mostly 1/35 tanks, but whose gizmos just might work in a small kit such as the 1/16 Stuart. Maybe he would be willing to do custom work. His web site is and his "contact" page: A few years ago, I did some editing for instructions this man posts (and his wife translates from French to English). He hasn't been active on RCTW for a while, but it might be a chance.
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Re: Commission Builds?

Post by Ad Lav »

Yellowshaker (Joe) is in the US and would possibly entertain a commission build.

You’d have to buy the kit and the rc conversion parts are available and send them all to him.

Ludwigs does many obscure tanks - have you seen his website?

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