Panzer crew uniform camouflage

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Panzer crew uniform camouflage

Post by Vanguard »

Hi I'm looking for reference sites or books for crew camouflage for Panzer crews in Normandy June 1944. Specifically the green, brown, black, pea dot or other. I'm led to believe that the crews changed to this just prior to the D-Day landings, but I'm struggling to find out more about this, did this happen and if so what camouflage was it ?. I want to paint a crew for a Tiger I'm doing set in Normandy in this time period. Any help would be greatly appreciated :).
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Re: Panzer crew uniform camouflage

Post by 43rdRecceReg »
This might give you a few ideas, for starters. :wave:
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Re: Panzer crew uniform camouflage

Post by Vanguard »

Thanks this gives me something to work with thanks :)
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Re: Panzer crew uniform camouflage

Post by 43rdRecceReg »

I've been looking for paints recently, as I wasn't happy with the Tamiya colours I had for uniforms. By chance, I came across this video review of a book on painting Panzer uniforms. I thought it might be of interest to you. :)
phpBB [video]
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Re: Panzer crew uniform camouflage

Post by Vanguard »

Oh wow thanks mate, just what I needed :)
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Re: Panzer crew uniform camouflage

Post by Max-U52 »

Just an interesting bit of trivia, the U.S. marines actually discontinued one of their uniform camo schemes because it looked to much like a German scheme. I don't know the name of either scheme, maybe someone here can educate me more on this interesting little tidbit?

I'll be looking forward to photos of your crew. I'm a poor figure painter myself but I really enjoy seeing work of those that know how. 8)
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Re: Panzer crew uniform camouflage

Post by Tiger6 »

It was the army that discontinued camo uniforms after Operation Cobra, the US Marines never fought the Germans.
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Re: Panzer crew uniform camouflage

Post by Max-U52 »

Tiger6 wrote:It was the army that discontinued camo uniforms after Operation Cobra, the US Marines never fought the Germans.
Exactly right, my mistake, it was the 30th Infantry Division that had camo similar to German that was discontinued.
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Re: Panzer crew uniform camouflage

Post by Max-U52 »

Martin, I'm not sure if any Marines ever fought any Germans , but they did serve in the European theater. According to, some 6,000 US Marines served in the European and African theaters during World War II. A brigade of Marines occupied Iceland in the early stages of the war, and Marines also acted as advisors and trainers in England during preparations for D-Day, and there were also Marine Sharpshooters aboard ship during the Normandy invasion using their rifles to clear floating mines out of the way. I would think that would qualify as fighting against the Germans on D-Day. This is all stuff that I didn't know before, so this thread has taught me more than most. 8)
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