Think tank blaster IV pro not working

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Think tank blaster IV pro not working

Post by andydavis241261 »

Evening all, I have been a member for a while now and reading with great interest, this is only my 3rd posting. I have been part scratch building using an old tamiya tiger 1 chassis to build a sturmtiger and have now come across a problem! can anybody help please?

I have just installed the above along with a think-tank tank module pro after first connections everything worked as it should and was great :D , the following day the sound board was not working properly :( although nothing has been changed :/ , just for information the battery's are fully charged the 2 boards are located together correctly (no bent pins), with the sound board disconected the tank does all it should (but obviously no sound). With sound board board connected when the system is switched on the led on the main board remains constant, the led on the sound board briefly comes on and goes straight out again (when it was working it came on and was constant as it should) I can hear static coming from the speaker and this increases with the volume control (so that works) anyone with any ideas? :crazy: any info would be received with great appreciation :thumbup: :) .

Regards and thanks,


P.S I have a photographic record of the build which if anyone is interested in I will post to the relative part of the forum...
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Re: Think tank blaster IV pro not working

Post by twoup »

Have you tried replacing the crystals on the transmitter and reciever?
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Re: Think tank blaster IV pro not working

Post by Johnf »

Where did you buy it. I had a similar problem, sent it back to supplier and got repair under waranty.
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Re: Think tank blaster IV pro not working

Post by andydavis241261 »

Hi, I contacted Thomas and the problem turned out to be crack in the SD card, apparently there was a bad batch, replaced my SD card and all is great again....
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