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Heng long TK 6.1/7.1 cn14 cannon stabilizer

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2024 11:15 pm
by john1970

Basically watched this youtube video Leopard 2 with gyros for turret and gun barrel. In the comments when asked how he done it his response was using airplane gyros when asked to show how he done it his response was basically figure it out for yourself.
The barrel is easy enough just put a gyro in the servo line. Turret a bit more difficult whether or not he's using a sort of signal converter for the switchable +/- to servo output and running the rotation motor with an ESC and putting a gyro in between not sure. But i don't think he is using CN14 as he's using 2 gyro's.

Cn14 on the 6.1 is called cannon stabilizer while on the 7.1 it's called extension function interface yet in the manual for both the 6.1 and 7.1 transmitters pressing buttons G+A is labels cannon stabilization switch.

On the 6.1 CN14 pins are marked TX /RX which normally means transmit/receive while on the 7.1 they are marked TX/- not sure if its a misprint or done differently.

But while looking around the internet i did notice that the Clark GBS module seems to resemble a mpu6050/adxl345 so i'm wondering if CN14 could be as simple as an Arduino with a mpu6050 or a flight controller using one of the TX/RX pinouts and the mainboard sorts out the movement.

The first thing to figure out is what kind of signal is coming from the TX pin whether or not it can be done with an Arduino i'm not sure as never programmed 1 before.