Gearbox Test and Comparison Videos

This board contains easy-to-do fixes on your new tanks from stock. This will hopefully help beginners to get the accuracy they want from their models.
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Gearbox Test and Comparison Videos

Post by Max-U52 »

I checked around and couldn't find a similar thread so I thought I'd start one. This thread will be for videos that relate to gearboxes. Comparisons between GBs, tests for various abilities like hill climbing, and anything you have a video of that's related to gearboxes. With a lot of tanks the first thing I do is change GBs so I thought this might be helpful. A place to see different GBs in action in different tanks. I'll start with a comparison of three different ratios of gearboxes in the same tank.

phpBB [video]

This next video shows a side by side comparison of the 3:1 GBs versus the 5:1 GBs.

phpBB [video]

I've got more that I'll post later, after I see if this thread will be of benefit to anyone.
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Re: Gearbox Test and Comparison Videos

Post by Son of a gun-ner »

Awesome, thanks for this Gary :thumbup:
What electronics you running those boxes off of?

Sadly I'm popping out for a while, and will have to watch these much later.

But just thought I'd mention that these will be a benefit to some I'm sure, I know they will be to me :thumbup:
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Re: Gearbox Test and Comparison Videos

Post by jarndice »

This is a subject that is long overdue getting into the open.
There is more logic in Harry Potter than there is in our range of available Gearboxes and their ratios.
Good on you Gary,
lets light a fire under the backsides of Heng Long/Taigen/Walterson et al.
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Re: Gearbox Test and Comparison Videos

Post by 43rdRecceReg »

jarndice wrote:This is a subject that is long overdue getting into the open.
There is more logic in Harry Potter than there is in our range of available Gearboxes and their ratios.
Good on you Gary,
lets light a fire under the backsides of Heng Long/Taigen/Walterson et al.
Totally agree, Shaun, and our Detroit Tank Demi-God is the ideal tankist to undertake this essential wee bit of research. :thumbup: :D
I still intend to create a tank proving ground in my garden, with obstacles and slopes. (The original 'Aberdeen' is only a couple of hours away from here, incidentally :D ).
The idea is to demonstrate the relative qualities of a range of models, re: traction, obstacle tackling, and so on. This would only say something about the design pros and cons of individual models, if they were equipped with comparable gearboxes.
This is where Gary will come in... ;)
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Re: Gearbox Test and Comparison Videos

Post by Max-U52 »

OK, I've done a lot of tests and here's the scale top speed results. All gearboxes are Taigen

Metal edition Tiger One, 4:1 BB black steel, 23 mph

Panzer III, stock 3:1 black steel, bearings at the axle only, 36 mph

Panzer III, 5:1 black steel, 29 mph

Panzer III, 5:1 brass, 18 mph

Panzer IV, stock 3:1, black steel bearings at axle only, 29 mph

Jagdtiger, 4:1 BB black steel, 21 mph

Jagdpanther, 5:1 brass, 23 mph

HL Jagdpanther, GBs unknown, 6.0 mfu, 29 mph

76mm Sherman, 3:1 black steel, 20 mph

M-41 Walker Bulldog, 3:1 BB black steel, 27 mph

M-26 Pershing, 3:1 BB black steel, 25 mph

The two that I think achieve the closest to the real thing would be the JT at 21 mph and the JP with brass gears at 23 mph. The rest are probably close enough for the girls we go out with and I doubt anyone will know the difference if my PIII is 5 mph too fast. @)

Hopefully that will be of help for the tanks listed. If anyone has scale top speed on tanks with mato or tamiya GBs I'd love to see them.

:wave: :wave: :wave:
When FDR coined the phrase "The Arsenal of Democracy", he was talking about Detroit. Proud to live in the 2nd most violent city in America!!
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