Another IBU2 question

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Another IBU2 question

Post by davejay »

Hi there, this is my first question about the IBU2 but has probably been asked before, apologies in advance.
My question is..... Does it come with the leads to connect between the board and the 'hobby grade' rx, a la Clark?

And also, are the sounds preloaded......I'm after Tiger 1 sounds!!!

I'm really interested in getting one of these along with the upgraded speaker, recoil/elevation unit etc. Really want to make my Tiger as good as I can afford!!

Sorry for appearing thick but fairly new to all this tank electronics stuff!!

Thanks in advance,

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Re: Another IBU2 question

Post by Max-U52 »

Hi Dave. All my IBUs came with servo cables to connect to the RX. Which IBU are you planning on? I'd take caution, as I've recently heard that some of the newest IBUs have a built in momentum feature that can not be disabled. If you like momentum and plan to use it, no problem, but if you're like me, can't stand it and NEVER use it, you might want to see if they get this resolved before laying out that kind of coin. I hear they're working on a a firmware update that would allow you to completely disable the momentum feature, and I don't know if all IBUs are like this, but I heard the ones with a blue board are the ones with this built in feature. All my IBUs are green, and I love them to death so i certainly hope they sort this out, since I'll eventually be needing more but refuse to buy a board if i can't disable the momentum feature.

Anyway, sounds are pre-loaded and I THINK Tiger 1 sounds are default, but they're easily changeable with a quick trip of the SD card to the PC. A good addition to any IBU is the TPA amp. With just an IBU2 Pro and a TPA I'm powering two four inch 20 watt speakers in my 6th scale Hetzer and it sounds really great.

Hope that helps.
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Re: Another IBU2 question

Post by davejay »

Thanks for the info, it's such a minefield to pick through when all i require is true Tiger sounds and proportional control and as a bonus to get rid of that cr@p track recoil, if anything can make a great tank look like a toy it's that recoil!!!

**What is the 'Momentum feature"?????

Cheers, Dave
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Re: Another IBU2 question

Post by Max-U52 »

Momentum is where you push the throttle full-forward and the tank slowly works up to full speed, and when you release the lever back to Center the tank slows down and stops. Many feel this is a more realistic potrayal, but for an IR battle tank it's a very bad idea. You need to have complete and absolute control in an IR battle and can't take the time to judge how long your tank is going to keep moving after you release the throttle. Personally, I never liked any kind of momentum feature and don't use them at all. I like to have complete control of my tank. If I want realistic performance with a slow start and gradually working up to full speed I do that with my thumb, and don't need to have it built into the board. I still can't believe Ivano built that feature into his boards, but I've heard that they're trying to come up with firmware that will correct the problem.
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Re: Another IBU2 question

Post by easy8 »

IBU (at least the IBU3 version) has a possibility to switch momentum on/off. That is what I have implemented now on my Sherman. You have a switch that changes the driving!
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Re: Another IBU2 question

Post by davejay »

I quite like the idea of the momentum thing, it seems a touch more realistic. I don't do the IR thing at present, I have no one to battle with!!!
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Re: Another IBU2 question

Post by anglosaxon »

Hello Dave your not thick, there are plenty of people like you and me who are new to this game and those who have been into it a long time can be a bit presumptuous about the knowledge we have,Its not they are not happy to help but sometimes i feel like a need a translater, but it takes time I suppose,I posted a comment on the ibu2 page take a look an idiots guide to ibu2
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Re: Another IBU2 question

Post by Max-U52 »

A lot of guys do like the momentum feature, and it is very cool, I just don't like the idea of not being able to turn it off. I should email Ian and ask just exactly which boards have that, eh?

So anyway, here's a fun little video you might not have seen, and this could not have been made without turning off the momentum. At least not by me, and I admit I'm far from the greatest tank driver that ever walked the earth. @) :O 8) :haha:

phpBB [video]

My little sister used to say I could be kinda patronizing sometimes, until she figgered out I really don't do it on purpose. I've always believed that the only dumb question is the one that goes unasked and I totally get it about the lingo and getting used to it. I just started looking into resin 3D printers and there's so much to learn it's ridiculous. But that's one of the things I love most about this hobby. It's taken me down roads that I never expected, like photography, video editing, sound effects, 3D printing, etc, etc. Some of it can be a steep learning curve, but there are lots of talented guys here that are happy to share their knowledge.
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Re: Another IBU2 question

Post by Rad_Schuhart »

The momentum is always controversial. First of all I must say you dont need any board for setting it, it can be achieved just programming your radio, so for the people that likes it, it can be set even in old tamiya electronics. I can look for the tutorial if somebody wants it.

Also I said many times here, I like to control my tank like a real tank, in the most realistic way, hence I did with the help of the Open Rc Forums and Open panzer guys a set up for changing gears in the tank:
phpBB [video]

(I am changing the speeds with some push buttons I installed on the back)

That can be done with ANY electronics too. Even with a cheap 2 euros free shipping ESC.

And also I have limited the reverse speed to a 30% or so, because as I said, I like to feel the tank like a tank and it has no sense to be able to driv backwards the same speed than forwards.
I have seen a lot of IR battles in youtube and so on, and IMHO are so extreme unrealistic that I think I would never play one of them. I mean, king tigers jackrrabiting back and fowards behind a house... I think is just... Well, I have no words to describe it, lol.

BUT also it is great to be able to disable de momentum if needed/wanted. One day I let one my Panzer III to a friend, and it ended converted in a tauchpanzer in a pond because the momentum... So being able to choose is always the way to go.
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