Pantiger to Jagdpanther

capt midnight
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Pantiger to Jagdpanther

Post by capt midnight »

Got this beast for a good price, so I'm planning on throwing it under the chainsaw!

I've already gutted it to see what I'll need. So far looks like a new airsoft unit, as it's toasted, plus the elevation tab is broken. Everything else looks good. Was going to do a zimmerit job on it and see how it came out, but I just wasn't happy with the overall look. I've decided to just do a chop job on it and turn it into a Jagdpanther. I know it won't be 100 percent, but I'm still willing to give it a go. I think when it's done, I'll give it an ambush scheme to match my KT.

Does anyone have a decent fairly high res file of Jadg drawings they'd be willing to share? I'm looking for something I can print out full size to use as templates. Been doing some looking around, but haven't came across anything yet.

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Re: Pantiger to Jagdpanther

Post by SteelBird »

I also have this beast. I didn't know it is called Pantiger before buying it so I upgrade it with whatever available. I don't care it's a half Panther and half Tiger or whatsoever as long as it can move. What I want is a beast to move off road.

I wonder how much does it cost you since you said you got it at a good price? I bought the basic model (all plastic) at US$110.

I tracks look nice. I think they are metal. How can they be black?
H/L Pantiger, H/L Leopard 2A6, Mato Panzer III, Hybrid Tiger 1 and some tank wreckage
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Re: Pantiger to Jagdpanther

Post by capt midnight »

I think with shipping it ran about $60 US. It had a broken exhaust pipe and the airsoft unit was messed up. I was more interested in it as a project platform, plus I really enjoy getting a used piece and making it my own.

The tracks are the standard plastic ones. The drive sprocket and return idler are just painted plastic as well. I was planning on upgrading the running gear, but it all worked well, and I don't really mind the Tiger set up, but I may still do some changing to it in the future. Right now I'm working on the upper hull.

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Private Hudson (Bill Paxton) ALIENS
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Re: Pantiger to Jagdpanther

Post by capt midnight »

So far...


I found a good large size file for the blueprints and printed them out full size. I had to kind of fudge the pieces to match up to the Pantiger hull.The main upper hull is built, just have to add the hatches, cannon, and such. I was starting to scratch build the details and I came across a treasure on ebay. I found a Tamiya parts sprue for their Jagdpanther that had all the parts I needed. I snagged it up as well as a Tamiya aluminum barrel. That should replace most of the details on the hull. I think I may try my hand at a zimmerit job on this guy as well.

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Private Hudson (Bill Paxton) ALIENS
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Re: Pantiger to Jagdpanther

Post by SteelBird »

I have to say "Good Job!"

The other day a dealer offer me a broken ZTZ-99A at $40. The tank has only one metal track and the front idler stand broken (that the most difficult part to restore). I rejected the offer. I thought if he made it $20, I would buy it for whatever purpose.
H/L Pantiger, H/L Leopard 2A6, Mato Panzer III, Hybrid Tiger 1 and some tank wreckage
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Re: Pantiger to Jagdpanther

Post by capt midnight »

Here's the progress I've made, so far.

Tried my hand at cut plate edges and welds. The wife got me a hot knife and I had to knock the new off of it.

I ordered a Tamiya sprue so I didn't have to scratch build the hatches and such. Also picked up an aluminum barrel. Working on adding the details back on now. I got the top plate a tad too small, not really such where I fudged that up, but it's not really coming out too bad.



It'll be ready for primer shortly. Thinking about trying my hand at the salt paint chips and see how that turns out.

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Private Hudson (Bill Paxton) ALIENS
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Re: Pantiger to Jagdpanther

Post by Ad Lav »

Nicely done!

I like the way you've done this, ingenious.
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Re: Pantiger to Jagdpanther

Post by Swamprat33 »

This is a truly rare beast - A JagdPanTiger :clap: :crazy: :clap:

This should be looking good when complete.

1/6 Armortek Panther ausf.G
1/6 Armortek Panzer III ausf.J
1/6 Type 82 Funkwagen
1/6 Sdkfz 250/9
1/6 Sdkfz 2 Kettenkrad
capt midnight
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Re: Pantiger to Jagdpanther

Post by capt midnight »

Thanks guys. I love te look of a project just before the first coat of primer. I like to see all the different parts and materials that are in it. I'll make sure to get some good shots before the painting process starts.

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Private Hudson (Bill Paxton) ALIENS
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Re: Pantiger to Jagdpanther

Post by capt midnight »

Here it is in primer. Almost ready to start the real painting...






Just a bit more putty and sanding and she'll be ready for the ambush colors.

"Yeah, but it's a dry heat!"
Private Hudson (Bill Paxton) ALIENS
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