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Re: Lrdg truck ( Long Range Desert Group )

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2023 6:26 am
by Model Builder 4
Here is a short clip testing the 1/16 Lewis mg with the light/sound module and the modified figure operating it :D it was a bit tricky drilling the barrel for the fibre optic cable to fit down but with a bit of care and patience it worked out ok  :thumbup:


phpBB [video]

Re: Lrdg truck ( Long Range Desert Group )

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2023 1:20 am
by Herr Dr. Professor
Thanks for the tip on 1/16 British Figures. I certainly agree that there is a shortage of the those from the British Isles, Australia, France, etc., etc., etc. I will search "Mitch's Military Models"; I am familiar with the Kirin figures, and I have one, still unpainted.

The machine gunner on the truck is a "hoot"! That's originally a Minnesota term (I believe) of approval for something fun and even a touch funny.

Re: Lrdg truck ( Long Range Desert Group )

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2023 1:27 am
by Herr Dr. Professor
:P From almost two years ago: "I will have to take a pic of all my trucks and vehicles one day when I get the chance and time." Did I miss the photo?

Re: Lrdg truck ( Long Range Desert Group )

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2023 7:12 am
by Model Builder 4
Hello professor,

Don't worry you have not missed the family photo/pic ( my bad :/ ) I start and finish builds as the mood and humph takes me so I have quite a few unfinished projects :crazy: maybe one day I can gather them all together in the same room and get them to keep still for 5 minutes when they are in a state of completeness and take a group photo, I can only hope and dream :haha: what I'm trying to say is please don't hold your breath as I would not want to be held responsible for you passing out while waiting on behalf of my inability of not completing one project before starting another one :headbang: :haha: :thumbup:


Re: Lrdg truck ( Long Range Desert Group )

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2023 7:46 am
Tell you what Mr MB4, it’s not the quantity, rather the quality that you produce when they are completed that matters.
Your stable of Desert recce machines are testament to that.
Shame the weather up there is not conducive to a dry, arid background for an SAS/LRDG picture spread !

Re: Lrdg truck ( Long Range Desert Group )

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2023 7:55 am
by Model Builder 4
Thank you Herman, that's very kind of you :D I have got the photo backdrop from the lrdg truck build thread so I'll try and take some pics of the jeep and truck together on that :thumbup:


Re: Lrdg truck ( Long Range Desert Group )

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2023 8:24 am
Wise....................we could all witness the "second coming" if you waited for the right weather eh :shifty: :haha: :haha:

Re: Lrdg truck ( Long Range Desert Group )

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2023 5:03 pm
by Herr Dr. Professor
"I start and finish builds as the mood and humph takes me so I have quite a few unfinished projects." Now that sounds familiar to me! What's more, I work on a much simpler level than do you.

Re: Lrdg truck ( Long Range Desert Group )

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2023 5:43 pm
by Model Builder 4
Indeed professor, I believe that is the curse of the modeller, I see a project that I like the look of and then the next minute I'm like a cat chasing a butterfly and I've found something else that catches my attention :/ :haha:
Never mind, at least I have quite a few projects to last a good couple of years and keep me occupied so there's always something to do :thumbup:
