Our Ancestor's

The purpose of this board is to post information and pictures of the family members who served have served in any kind of service to their country. In this way we can honour their memory and service.
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Re: Our Ancestor's Nik. H

Post by Wolftone »

The fact that one grandfather fought on the German side is nothing to be ashamed of. He obviously wasn't SS, or he never would have come home at all, And he must have witnessed some awfull times. Being a german pow in Stalins Russia was no easy thing, and many fewer came home than were captured.
So respect to a survivor, wolftone.
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Re: Our Ancestor's Nik. H

Post by Nic.H »

Wolftone wrote:The fact that one grandfather fought on the German side is nothing to be ashamed of. He obviously wasn't SS, or he never would have come home at all, And he must have witnessed some awfull times. Being a german pow in Stalins Russia was no easy thing, and many fewer came home than were captured.
So respect to a survivor, wolftone.
Hi wolftone...what I have gathered is that my grandfather(german)..was a union leader, he was a master carpenter...which made him marked....he served in a penal battalion...but its quite sketchy....no records, as the family on that side was from Berlin, when the russians moved in, all photos, medals and things like that were burnt or desposed of....no one wanted to annoy the russians, my father told me horrific stories of being a child in Berlin
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Re: Our Ancestor's

Post by Wolftone »

Dear Nik H. I remember reading about the Penal Battalion's many years ago. Wish i could remember the names of the publications. Harrowing stuff. Total respect to that man.
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Re: Our Ancestor's

Post by wibblywobbly »

Hi Wolftone

I have a fascination with WW2 history on both sides, and have read many books covering pre-war and post-war. One thing has become apparent, there are a lot of tales of goings on, on both sides, that never made the mainstream news etc. No side fought a clean war, and as always, the victors get to write the history books. There are myths and facts, legends and hearsay, and the whole story has yet to be told.

The only thing I would wish is that everyone who has a memory could record it somewhere before they departed this mortal earth, as once someone has gone, their memory goes with them, and no one will ever know what that memory was.

WW2 is a part of history, and as such, anything and everything about it should be available. Even for those with ancestors that served in the SS, it would be better that they told their story than have the information disappear forever.

On my ancestor list:

Grandfather. Grenadier Guards, later became very senior police officer in Bristol. The man was as cold as ice, and used to scare the crap out of me when I was a youngster.
Uncle - Major, served post war, and was a leading light in the British Legion.
Uncle - RAF, flew Lancasters, Spitfires and anything else with wings. Came down the aircraft steps at the end of the war and swore he would never get into another plane as long as he lived. He never did. He became a shepherd.
Father - Strangely, never spoke about his role much. He was a draughtsman and said he was in a reserved occupation, but that meant working at Filton which was bombed repeatedly during the war. However, I also have pictures of him in Army uniform marked 'sniper practice', in Naval uniform on the deck of a ship somewhere, a record of him in Canada, and his flying log book. I have never, ever figured it all out.

A friends father worked on top secret naval projects, and is actually the man who invented the guidance system for torpedoes. My friend told me how his work was shrouded in secrecy, and many tales about his life.

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Re: Our Ancestor's

Post by Delboy »

my mother's farther was a high ranking officer in the german police force when hitler sent his henchmen out
all he got was a gun to his head or sign this paper
my mum was 5 years old never got to see her farther when a letter come home saying her farther was missing in action
some where in russia never found have picture of him in uniform
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Re: Our Ancestor's

Post by blimp »

My great grandad was killed in france in the great war , my mothers dad worked for Rolls Royce (Leavesden) making engines for Mosqitoes , and my fathers dad was in the fire service during the blitz , he never came home . My father in law served in the R.A.F. India , Burma , post war he was at Singapore (+ Christmas island) Aden , then France and finally back home when he was a flight engineer/navigator on Vulcans . All gave some , some gave all . Bless them all .
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Re: Our Ancestor's

Post by old digger »

Thought I would throw one in from Aust .My father served with the 6th Div 2AIF . He was part of the first push through the desert against the Italians and was then sent to Greece (bad move ) , fought in the rearguard action back down Greece and was evacuated to Crete (even worse move ) After the battle he found himself a guest of the German govt for the rest of the war .He passed away back in 1985 . I did a tour in Vietnam back in 1969-70 and managed to get home in one piece unlike dad who was a bit of a mess .
End of tale Ron .
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Re: Our Ancestor's

Post by Piotr1974 »

My Gradndpa was fight in Italy 1945 around Bologna. His served in 25 Rozpoznawczy Pu?k U?anów Wielkopolskich/25 Recconeisance Regiment Wielkopolski Lanciers. Was in crew Stoughound Mk. II.

Him history what mostly Polish soliders in west is interesting. Maybe in separate, when i just learn english, will write.
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Re: Our Ancestor's

Post by daemond6 »

Both of my Grandfathers served in the RAF, my Fathers Father served his National Service as a Radar Operator, and became a Police Officer after his service was over. My Mothers Father, was a technician, and worked on the Vulcan Bombers over here in the UK and in Germany, too, and spent a time at Christmas Islands.

I was going to join the RAF as a weapons Technician, until My Fiancée found out she was pregnant with out first daughter and I decided against it.
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Re: Our Ancestor's

Post by jukebox »

Here's what I know about my lot.

Father, joined up with the RAF at the end of WWII, started as ground crew on Lancasters, ended up as chief technician in charge of the radar bay for a Lightning base, main action there was intercepting the Russians over the North Sea. Before that he was involved with the V bombers, including 617 squadron at RAF Scampton when they had the Vulcan bomber. Did a fair bit of travelling during his career including to the Woomera range in Australia, travelled from UK to Australia in a bomber, I think it was a Halifax.
Father in law, was with the Royal Warwickshire regiment, went up the beach on D-day, was with the relief troops for Arnhem, wounded by hand grenade and carried some shrapnel in his back for the rest of his life. He never talked about what he saw or did, took it all to the grave with him.
Grandfather, was a trawlerman but in WWII joined the Merchant Navy and was on the convoy runs to Murmansk, spoke a lot about ice!
Great Grandfather, commanded a minesweeper in WWI, ran out of Grimsby, managed to sink one U-boat then stopped to pick up the survivors, one of the German sailors gave him his iron Cross out of gratitude!
Uncle, Merchant Navy again, ship sunk by the Japanese and suffered three years as a POW at their hands, his health never really recovered from that.
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