Painting a Tiger One - Order: Paints, weathering etc.

This board contains guides to painting and weathering, please post your tips, tricks and tutorials here.
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Re: Painting a Tiger One - Order: Paints, weathering etc.

Post by toshik »

Ok thanks what PSI/Bar air pressure output do I need? AS196 is great but it seems to be internal UK model.
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Re: Painting a Tiger One - Order: Paints, weathering etc.

Post by ALPHA »

toshik wrote:Ok thanks what PSI/Bar air pressure output do I need? AS196 is great but it seems to be internal UK model.
Before you go out and spend mega bucks on a high end airbrush...I'll let you in on a secret Toshik....a 20 dollar chinese no name airbrush will do the same job at a more affordable price....The M1 I'm working on now is done with one...never had the urge to buy an Iwata or a Grex....Iwata is basically a blinged out Badger...Grex is an old design that used to be pimped by Thayer and Chandler ....on the upper end air brushes...Passche to me sits alone...they have the simplest design that hasn't been copied by anyone....the rest are basically all the same design...reason the Chinese models are just as good....the only difference is that with Iwata Grex and can get replacement parts...the Chinese models are limited to the needle ..velocity cone...and velocity cap
Now your don't need a fancy schmansy one...You can get an Industrial 2 1/2 hp model for about 99 dollars which will outperform any Airbrush compressor...the only thing you would need to worry about is the noise...they are kind of loud... like I stated in my previous post...your "living" conditions should determine what you buy...Output pressure is depends a lot on the Airbrush you choose...gravity feeds take less pressure...about 15 PSI in general will do the job....a SIPHON feed requires more...24 PSI minimum ....I own several compressors....all do the does depend on when I'm spraying...I use a cheap Diaphragm model for late night brushing... and my Piston powered ones in the day...they have a greater output ...but are noisier

That's pretty much the long and the short of it....bottom's not the airbrush set's the "skill" of the person who uses the airbrush set up that matters ;)

Good Luck Toshik

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Re: Painting a Tiger One - Order: Paints, weathering etc.

Post by cathurga »

Ok, so I started doing some painting, and I have had some good results and then some TERRIBLE ones. I used Montana spray cans and started with some plastic primer from Krylon and some metal primer for the bottom of the hull, metal idler and drive wheels. The metal primer did not work as well as I had hoped,but it was ok. Then I used a rust color over the primers, with the intention of doing the salt trick for chipping. All was going well until I started on the 'Arabian sand' color....disaster! It's left a really grainy texture on the parts. I know it is not my technique, I have painted like this before, I think it is the temperature and humidity. It is the middle of summer and the temps can hit the high 40's easily (deg c). I tried in the evening as well and the humidity goes up in the night time. I am ok with the lower hull and the parts under the 'wheel arches' as it looks like a sandy deposit, but some parts I want to clean up and redo.
What can I do to remove the paint? The metal will resist solvents, but the plastics won't. I have removed paint from tamiya cars before, by using brake fluid. Can I do the same with the plastics on the tank? Anyone have any suggestions?
I am going to have to wait for the temps to drop before I try the main hull, turret,barrel and wheels, I really don't want a bad finish on them. Bummer, as I wanted to crack on with building
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Re: Painting a Tiger One - Order: Paints, weathering etc.

Post by spongehoobtank82 »

Soak the parts in a diluted bath of original Dettol for 1-2 days sounds crazy but I did this with my tiger and it worked great, paint just scrubs of with a tooth brush/ cloth! Wont damage plastic or metal parts
Sponghoobtank82-panzerIII, panther V, tiger VI early and late and another early tiger,leopard 2a6, panzer IV F2,challenger 2
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