My Smoker [Prototype 2 Version 3]

Smoke creating devices!
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My Smoker [Prototype 2 Version 3]

Post by Se7eN »

Started a new smoker project today, After countless failures with my other designs, bad air flow, over-heating, under-heating, poor exhaust placement, and the most recent failure been poor smoke mixture. The last version I did (Version 2) actually did work in a fashion but not for long and the smoke output just dropped off after a while. Also it was butt ugly as I'd drilled the exhaust hole too big and had to cover it in silicon sealant...Not good :thumbdown:

Saxondog's Diagram of the super smoker gave me enough motivation to keep refining my smoker so that it is as close to the diagram's design as possible with the exception of a few modifications, so that the design is my own and not a direct copy.

Lateral view of the smoker's top half. As you can see the fan has a shroud mounted underneath it. I have taken this modification from the computer cooling world. As a fan just placed on a flat surface will create a dead zone of air underneath the fan. This will correct that problem and allow the fan to circulate air through the holes (three of them) better.
The main exhaust is a 8mm PVC piece of aquarium piping I'm going to down step this by pushing a 5mm piece of the same type of tubing into it, then terminating it with a T-barb. Then have the tanks smoke exhausts supplied by two 5mm pieces of tubing.

I have also decided that for me, Nichrome is the way to go (haters will hate) but it just works. You have to get the length bang on, but when you do its in my opinion better then the resistor method. Also I can't get those damn resistors anyway :crazy: and it takes far to long to heat up.

This is a close up of my heating element, the wick is Glass Fiber based and is primarily used in sealing ovens and its rated temperature is 1800 degrees. I don't think my element will melt it ;) I just refuse to pay extortionate amounts for Kevlar wick when this seems to work for others.

This is the inside of the lower section of the box. I have put aluminium foil inside it to reflect heat. I took this idea from the diagram that Saxondog posted.

I understand now that 80% of my problems with my other smokers was down the to poor smoke fluid I was using. It was Propylene Glycol. This stuff is bad news, it was clogging up everything. my exhausts, my fan.....everything. I didn't know what I should be mixing with it or what the correct ratios where. So I have bought some proper Smoke fluid and hopefully this will give me better results.

More to come 8)

-x se7en x-
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