Elmod ECo w/ LED for main gun flash

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Elmod ECo w/ LED for main gun flash

Post by Yellowshaker »

I am not sure if this is common knowledge or not, so I figured I'd share what I found with you guys. for those familiar with Elmod, the PRO version comes with a 2-pin connector on the board to plug in an LED for the main gun flash, so you don't have to use the high intensity flash unit. Keeps thigs a bit simpler and less wiring to get in the way of things...also, you have a choice of what color the flash will be.
So, for the ECo version they left this connector out. Don't fret, it can still be done easily enough. In the pictures below you can see the drawing of the red and black leads coming off 2 specific pins on the 5-pin connector...these will got o your LED. Red is to the positive side and black the negative of the LED.
You can see that I simply used a 2-pin HL connector to hook up to the correct pins, as they are next to each other in the 5-pin connector. Hope this helps someone out there.

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