Fleet update and other things

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Fleet update and other things

Post by Nickjagman »

Hi everybody,
Been a bit of a bad couple of weeks and a few good bits :'( unfortunately the physio has signed me off,not much he can do with my arthritic left shoulder,so i bit the bullet (pun intended) and sold one of my electronic air rifles,a very nice midnight blue daystate redwolf. She's become too heavy to use .one of my other of many hobbies,sub 12ft/lb target shooting. I also decided to sell a large chunk of my static model kit collection,too many to ever get done and they were taking up too much space, at least now iv'e got somewhere to "park" the growing collection.lol
On the flip side it's released some beer tokens,wife's has some (obviously) and decided to treat the Tiger to a major upgrade,
Taigen reinforced lower hull,
metal road wheels,
metal drive and idle sprockets,
metal tracks.
Just awaiting Dave and Julie's return from their break.
All courtesy of Forgebear, original lower and all the accessories are going to go into a future Sturmtiger build with a taigen upper with a v5.3, 2.4ghz setup that iv'e whipped out of a recent purchase......... A HL Walker Bulldog, i know there's loads of issues with the details on Bully but iv'e always liked the look of them and this one turned up an a well known auction site at the right price
There are a few bits and bobs broken/missing but on the whole its a runner with metal gearboxes,now sporting a new v7 board and controller,came with a TARR smoke unit and a nice weathered finish. I don't know if some came with the weathered finish or it's been done by a previous owner. If anybody can shed any light on it would be much appreciated.
The Tiger 1 also has a new relative....another grey tiger 1. Honestly the 2nd Tiger is for ..........THE Wife,she seems to have taken to the hobby and fancied one herself,more the driving side of it,i still have to do the upkeep and repairs. That said, she is willing for me to teach her how it all works and how to repair and paint them,she even went on her favourite sale site and bought it. Looks almost new' v6 with sound and smoke at a price we couldn't let get away. No pic's of the bosses Tiger at the moment, awaiting it's imminent arrival, hopefully today if royal mail is to be believed :headbang:
Anyway that's where im at at the min, time to get the kit out and get on finishing the electronics install in the bully.
see you all soon.....
WIN_20240216_08_35_39_Pro.jpg (599.69 KiB) Viewed 228 times
WIN_20240216_08_35_22_Pro.jpg (617.07 KiB) Viewed 228 times
Tiger 1,
M41A3 Bulldog,
:headbang: ms
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Herr Dr. Professor
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Re: Fleet update and other things

Post by Herr Dr. Professor »

A HL Walker Bulldog...on the whole its a runner with metal gearboxes,now sporting a new v7 board...TARR smoke unit and a nice weathered finish." The V7 board and Tarr Smoker alone likely make it a catch. I have never seen a HengLong or Taigen M41 out of the box with that particular weathered finish, so you may have scored a bit of luck there. Maybe those decals will come off with some decal remover. As you note there are "bit and bobs" and actually gobs of work the HengLong or Taigen Bulldog could use, but it's still to me an appealing AFV. (I have two Taigens.) If you ever decide to repaint it, you might need to use Tamiya "Olive Drab 2," for some time after WWII the OD changed a bit. But check me on that. Have fun!
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