New Panzer IV

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Herr Dr. Professor
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Re: New Panzer IV

Post by Herr Dr. Professor »

vtwillys: you have just met jarndice, a regular and helpful contributor here on RCTW who is a knowledgeable resource about PzKfw. IV details that the likes of you and me sometimes cannot even see.
Did you get anywhere with the smoke unit? If not, let us know. If so, let us know, too.
Does anybody know if that cool camouflage scheme is "for real"? I have not seen it, which is probably a good thing, lest I buy yet another Taigen/Torro PzKfw. IV.
Enjoy your Taigen PzKfw. IV, and if you can afford it, as jarndice says, get the Tamiya one, too. :thumbup:
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