Me 1, Wife, I think?!?

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Re: Me 1, Wife, I think?!?

Post by HERMAN BIX »

Dare I inquire about any news Sir ?
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Re: Me 1, Wife, I think?!?

Post by EAO »

Hello Herman,

It's good to hear from you. I must say that it would appear that I dropped off the face of the planet for a while. I was last on here way back in May. Being self-employed can be a double-edged sword. When it's bad, it's usually pretty scary. But, when it's good, it's usually very, very good. Our business is doing very well and expanding in several different areas. New construction, leasing a new building, more dogs,etc. While I can't complain about the money, I have totally run out of free time for myself.

I've also been dealing with a body that's revolting against all the past 55 years of havoc that it's endured. In 2014 I had double surgery on my right ankle (something I know you know lot's about)! :haha: For the last couple of years, I been dealing with what I thought was a very beat up shoulder. Turns out it's my neck, or more accurately my spine. C3 through C8 is all buggered up with bone-on-bone contact, bone spurs, and pinched nerves. :wtf: It all comes from my 3 years of motocross racing and all the following years of road bikes. A badly mucked up triple jump, and two accidents on the road in 1988 and 2007 are pretty much the culprits for the issues that I'm dealing with now. I'll be headed for surgery at the end of February, so I'm trying to get all the physical chores I have to do done before this happens. Perhaps the recovery time will allow me to enjoy some free time and catch up on a few things? However, I sure don't heal like I used to, and all the meds can make for a lot of drooling. :crazy: Does any of this 2 wheeled chaos sound familiar?!? :lolno:

Getting back to your question, the news is not good. I talked to Mark last week, and he is pretty much at a loss for words. He is holding his own, as he has enough upgrades, repairs, and new paint jobs to keep his business afloat. I totally can relate as our business in 2020 was swirling the drain too. His business partner in Russia who makes the hulls and turrets has fled their homeland and is now living with their daughter in the U.S. My parts are fully made but sitting in his shop along with other customers parts too. I knew things were bad, but not this bad until I talked to Mark. It may be my naivety, or just the fact that I'm safe and comfortable halfway around the world. I guess unless you see a war zone in person (or are unfortunate enough to live in one) the TV and news just can't fully address the horror, misery, and hopelessness of the whole God-awful mess. Everything is up in the air at this point with no real answers available as everyone is dealing with this situation as best as they can. Will his associate ever return to his home and business in Russia... time will tell. Until then, the best Mark can do is hope that a used 1/6 scale Panther will be returned to him for sale so he can then upgrade it and kit it out for me as I originally wanted. I'm not sure if I'll be able to convince Jess to let me spend more money on it, as if the hull and turret are gone for good, I'm out over $4,000. Mark said he'd do everything he can to make this work out in the end and I believe him as he is a man of his word. Like I said, I'm not alone with this issue as other's have their tanks in limbo too. I really can't even get upset over all this, as playing with big, expensive toys seems like an arrogant, callous issue compared with the death and destruction people are dealing with.

So that's where it's at. I still rumble around with 308 occasionally when time permits, mostly to exercise the dogs. I have alleviated some of my disappointment by purchasing some shiny, new sheet metal and adding another firearm to the collection. I knew very well going into this that the down payment was not refundable and figured a few problems with Covid. I however, never imagined a war would become the problem! I'll be hit and miss on here for the foreseeable future, probably mostly miss! When I do get some free time, or good news I'll let you all know. All I want for Christmas is peace in the Ukraine, so that all the good people on both sides can pick up the pieces of their shattered lives and attempt to get on with them. Can I get an amen?! I sure miss all you guys, oh and by the way, what have I missed?!? :wave: :think: :lolno:

Best regards to you all,
"You can always tell a German, you just can't tell him much." Anonymous.

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Re: Me 1, Wife, I think?!?

Post by Jimster »

Good to hear from you! I was wondering what distractions were keeping you away. I also occasionally run my Tiger but now I’m stumped on mounting my Panzer III upper hull on my HL dual current gearbox which sits too tall. It’s always something. Hope your family and pups are doing well.
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Re: Me 1, Wife, I think?!?

Post by Herr Dr. Professor »

"All I want for Christmas is peace in the Ukraine, so that all the good people on both sides can pick up the pieces of their shattered lives and attempt to get on with them." Eric, you have that exactly right! It is good to hear from you, and I do hope you will be able to keep us informed of your ever-improving health and successful surgery.
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Re: Me 1, Wife, I think?!?

Post by EAO »

Thanks guys! I appreciate it! :wave: :thumbup: :clap:
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Re: Me 1, Wife, I think?!?

Post by Jimster »

Don’t stay gone so long!
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Re: Me 1, Wife, I think?!?

Post by EAO »


A long overdue update. My spinal surgery went well, almost a year ago now! I'm the proud owner of two artificial disks between C5 and 6, and C6 and 7. It's funny how much work and how many chores can be put off when one doesn't realize it due to health problems. To say I'm busy now is an understatement!

At the end of January I had several conversations with Mark Spencer about the ongoing issues with my Panther build. Unfortunately we both agreed that it was dead in the water. He painfully admitted that it would be many, many years before anything possibly returned to normal, allowing parts to come out of Russia.

Well what to do? I have Marco's beautiful renditions of the 75mm rounds, and Sassgrunt's very generous gift of Herr Woll. Do I keep the rounds since they are so cool and "pay forward" Bobby Woll? It was time to crap or get off the pot so to speak!

Out of the blue, through a friend of a friend, l heard about a fully built Armortek Panther in North Carolina. Emails and phone calls ensued. In the first week of February we were in Memphis, Tennessee to see PANTERA. I sent Jess home with our friends and continued on to NC by myself.Image (I finally found a use for her butt ugly minivan!)

The owner of said Panther is in his mid 70's and an amazing person. He builds and flies 1/6 scale warbirds (Stuka, P47, SBD Dauntless, and a Zero). He builds and sails RC boats (sea going tug, and a guided missile frigate). He also is very into O gauge trains having around 50 locomotives! The entire top floor of his house is one huge train layout! And we know how you model railway guys are (Jimster I mean you)! The Panther was built simply because it was the biggest kit, with the most parts he could find! It's without any option packs, and she's wearing her bare metal (paintable clear coat to prevent rust). Almost a shame to paint her, but I still have that ambush camo paint scheme lurking in my head. Meticulously made to be a very, very large shelf queen.

A price was agreed upon and I drove home, a nearly 2,000 mile round trip. She doesn't have all of the options I originally had wanted. No huge, curved exhaust dampers, extra road wheels, etc., but she is the epitome of scale armor. A new work table was constructed (my lawnmower in pieces occupies the older table), and a heavy duty cradle to keep the weight off of the suspension was put together.

I fully intend to put all option packs in her and eventually have her painted. This may be quite a while, as my piggy bank is smashed beyond repair, I'm broke, my wife has yet to talk to me, and I'm receiving no allowance either! Oh well, at least the dog's still love me, and I'm a happy man with a huge piece of eye candy to admire!
So without further delay, I give you #36 of the 2022 release of the Armortek Panther G.
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"You can always tell a German, you just can't tell him much." Anonymous.

German cars, German girls, German beer, German firearms, German Shepherds, German motorcycles... Not necessarily in that order though!

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Re: Me 1, Wife, I think?!?

Post by Herr Dr. Professor »

It is so fine to hear from you again! Congratulations, you are part of the way to becoming a new model of the Terminator! And with the help of that Panther, you will give old Arnold a run! Yes, the Panther is amazing in clear-coated metal, but as a painting project, it will be fun!
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Re: Me 1, Wife, I think?!?

Post by Ad Lav »

What a beast!!

Glad your health is getting better.
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Re: Me 1, Wife, I think?!?

Post by Martin2556 »

Good to have you back. Quite a journey you’ve been on, love the Panther, all the best
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