A request for help.

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Re: A request for help.

Post by jackalope »

Sorry, it's been crazy!

Daniel is doing much better! He's out of the ICU, has his trake removed, and is starting on solid foods!

All of this started with a headache that turned out to be brain cancer! Then he went septic and his kidneys shut down followed by his heart and lungs. He was being kept alive by machines because of a massive infection but they couldn't find it. I couldn't imagine being his parents!

Thank you all so much! Sadly I do not fit in with the people who run the site that I know his grandmother from so I was booted off for daring think for myself. I'm trying to get back on but I don't know if I will be able to. If I can get more information on him I will.

Thank you to everyone who sent him a letter!
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Re: A request for help.

Post by EAO »


Thanks for the update. God, what a long haul...and not home yet from the sounds of it! That's one tough kid! Glad he's doing better, hoping for the best for him and his family.

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