Introductions (or lack of them)

Have any comments or suggestions as to the running or advancing of the RC Tank Warfare website? If so, this is the place to be.
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Introductions (or lack of them)

Post by General Jumbo01 »

Hi guys. I noticed that yet another new member posted a question this weekend without posting an introduction first. This leaves it to another member, usually a mod, having to confront the problem - never an easy task as you don't want to offend or put off a new member.

Indeed, l personally find some of the 'intro first please' comments a bit blunt but l don't envy you guys who are just doing your collective duty.

So.... can l suggest that when someone gets s little spare time you make a small change that only allows a newbie access to the intro threads and then subsequent access to other areas. Why. It saves you lot a task and avoids any offence being given or taken due to the shortfalls of the English language.

As an aside, if you wish to discuss the editing of a members post and include comments like 'lets see if he makes a fuss', take a little care that you don't copy the member concerned in on your discussion. Comments like that WILL offend! :clap:
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Re: Introductions (or lack of them)

Post by jarndice »

More than once I have annoyed mods and members because of a certain bluntness in my manner toward people trying to access our knowledge based Forum without first following the niceties,
I suggested that until the moderator or another member asked a "Newbie" to use the introduction page we should collectively not respond to any questions asked of us, This suggestion was quite well received and yet still members are answering questions before the approved joining method is followed.
I will not point my finger at anyone but if you are going to write a note of complaint you might at least wait for the dust to settle first.
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Re: Introductions (or lack of them)

Post by jhamm »

You can't force anyone to introduce yourself...
But it is a form of courtesy, friendliness and neat interaction.
In many other forums, an introduction is mandatory and before that you are not allowed to write any contributions.
I also advocate that newbies are only allowed to write in the introduction area first.
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Re: Introductions (or lack of them)

Post by Model Builder 4 »

On this point I totally agree with you gentlemen. If I notice that the first post of a new member is a question I will ask them to go to the introduce yourself section and just share a few lines about their rc experience/knowledge etc and I even add that they may get a better response to their question by doing this before kicking our door down and expecting to drink our beer ;) It's not that we need to know everything about them but it is just polite to make ones self known and just say hello so that we may welcome them to this great site and if they put the effort in they will realise that. Unfortunately we have no way at present to make a new member go through this process so I think that if anyone notices one just please advise them politely to head in that direction and hopefully they will do so :thumbup:

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Re: Introductions (or lack of them)

Post by Ad Lav »

Reminds me of Kindergarten Cop! (Arnie voice enabled) ‘Who is your daddy and what does he do’
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Re: Introductions (or lack of them)

Post by General Jumbo01 »

Hi Jarndice, didn't think my post was a complaint but just a helpful suggestion. The very fact your previous suggestion is being ignored suggests to me that an automated solution, similar to that relating to new members posting items in the for sale forum, would resolve the matter painlessly. I didn't mean to diminish the power of mods in any way ;).

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Re: Introductions (or lack of them)

Post by EAO »

Hello guys,

I think the automated idea is a good one. Jumping in with questions, without a proper and polite intro gets old very quickly. :/ It's not anyone trying to be a jerk, it's just the correct way to go about it.

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Re: Introductions (or lack of them)

Post by General Jumbo01 »

If l've read this correctly, there seems to be support for this suggestion. Is anyone able to make the small changes necessary to permanently resolve this delicate matter? Hope so.
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Re: Introductions (or lack of them)

Post by silversurfer1947 »

What may be thought to be a small and simple change is not so small and simple when it comes to the forum software. It is being looked into in great detail by the admins and mods. The results will be announced in due course.
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Re: Introductions (or lack of them)

Post by jarndice »

I think I understand the difficulty's involved with changing the format but if it resolves an obvious problem and at the same time removes any animosity between members trying to solve this issue then it would be a lot of hard work well spent :thumbup:
My views on deadbeats using the Forum as a one stop shop never to return are well known,
I welcome new members to the Forum but we are not a community stop me and buy one shop either.
We love answering questions but for goodness sake do try to show some interest in our hobby.
I think I am about to upset someone :haha:
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