Pooch Of The Month chat thread.

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Re: Pooch Of The Month chat thread.

Post by Herr Dr. Professor »

"Speaking of loss, I have to attend a 'virtual' funeral next Tuesday, of an old school friend who got Covid for Christmas.
So...here's a timely reminder to all: don't just look after those lovely pooches, but yourselves too!! The bug is so, so sneaky."

This sadness is all-to-frequent. I got a verified case of it doing a good deed for an (even more) elderly friend. Yet I survived without too much difficulty, lucky me! Then, too, little Chicory was with me the whole time and never had any problem (except getting me up to dispense food, etc.).

I am sorry for your and so many people's loss of loved ones and friends. There is small consolation in the fact that most of the folks communicating here are "of a certain age" so as to be in line now for the vaccinations.
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Re: February Pet Of The Month.

Post by jarndice »

Here I go again with another exhibition of how to win friends :lolno:
I blanche whenever I hear the carers of Gods creatures being called "Owner's" or the animal as a "Pet" these wonder's are not your slave's or an inert piece of furniture or an R/C Model.
If you decide to take on the responsibility of sharing your life with an animal then that creatures well being rests on your shoulder's but you will NEVER BE IT'S OWNER.
I think I am about to upset someone :haha:
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Re: Pooch Of The Month chat thread.

Post by Son of a gun-ner »

You must be a cat person Shaun, cats own us, we're just their butlers ;)
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Re: Pooch Of The Month chat thread.

Post by jarndice »

Mick I Have to admit to favouring pussy over dogging or is that doggies? :haha:
I think I am about to upset someone :haha:
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Re: Pooch Of The Month chat thread.

Post by General Jumbo01 »

If you treat a cat in just the same way as you treat a dog you will be amazed at what you get. A cat that just wants to please you, constantly by your side, always interacting with you. Horses are similar again.

It's just that people all too often dismiss cats as being self centred and disinterested in what their 'owner' thinks or wants. I just treat all animals like l do my kids, chatting away all the time. It's an investment that really pays back in bucket loads! Any animal is capable of being your best friend if given a chance. I luv 'em :clap:
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Re: Pooch Of The Month chat thread.

Post by jarndice »

I was in Sri Lanka a few years back and we visited the Elephant Orphanage, everyone was feeding the big adults and taking pictures with them.
Meanwhile I wandered over to a little female and did what I always do when meeting the "Higher" Mammals and gave this young lady a couple of long slow blinks and as happens so often I got a positive response, she reached out to me and we stood together and how does one describe a friendship between two unrelated animals who just liked each others company.
I had a similar experience in Singapore with two guard dogs, The American expression "Junk Yard Dogs" described them perfectly and sure enough they started barking and yet shortly after they were drinking water and eating the middle of a burger as I scratched behind their ears
I like all animals although the Human animal can be a real pain in the ar*e,
If you are ready to accept that any creature can have good days and bad making friends with them is a lot easier because realising that makes the next step easier and that is that any creature is an individual. :thumbup:
I think I am about to upset someone :haha:
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Re: Pooch Of The Month chat thread.

Post by Son of a gun-ner »

Quite funny, I think I upset a couple of people with their ferocious "guard dogs," they were too easy to make friends with lol.
I don't have any fear with dogs (John, Ludwig von wigbearer can probably confirm :thumbup: ), it possibly makes a difference.
As for cats, I have a pair of needy sisters, just like the dog, they like their human companionship. Even the python likes a bit of company :D
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Re: Pooch Of The Month chat thread.

Post by EAO »


That's a great shot of Midgie with her butt propped up on her favorite rock! Funny how animals will find their favorite spot to just chill, just like us humans! I too must agree with you on the movies. I've never seen any of the ones that you've mentioned, nor will I. When watching TV and an ASPCA commercial comes on, accompanied by the beautiful voice of Sara McLachlan, I must immediately change the channel or leave the room if the remote isn't in my possession. It seems the older I get the softer I get. Coming from a long line of hunters, I gave that hobby up about 20 years ago. Don't get me wrong, I still love wild game, as long as I'm not the one pulling the trigger anymore. Many family member's who still participate in the hunt, jest me as turning into a "huge pussy"! So be it. :|
jarndice wrote:Mick I Have to admit to favouring pussy over dogging or is that doggies? :haha:
Thank you Sir,
You've just made my day! :D I too agree with you. Our chance to share our lives with these magnificent creatures is a responsibility we have chosen, and must honor through thick and thin.

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Re: Pooch Of The Month chat thread.

Post by Jimster »

Shot my first and only deer when I was 15. Haven’t hunted since. Just not my thang.
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Re: Pooch Of The Month chat thread.

Post by FreakyDude »

my dog is a Berner- Bernese Mountain Dog. absolute best puppers in the world.
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