Easy way to adjust return recoil and turret speed

Fixes and mods for the HL Tiger 1
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Re: Easy way to adjust return recoil and turret speed

Post by tao »

A 3-4 diodes also work to knock the voltage down a bit. Though as the battery gets low with a dial you can dial it off or on.
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Re: Easy way to adjust return recoil and turret speed

Post by greengiant »

MichaelC look at some videos of real tanks firing where the dust kicked up doesn't obscure the view and the film hasn't been slowed down, you will see that you can hardly see the barrel retract and return to battery it happens so fast when a round is fired.
On tanks with bore evacuators the little puff of smoke comes out the barrel end ( usually on a modern tank that uses a combustible case and must have any hot residue sucked out of the barrel along with smoke) a split second before the barrel has already returned to in battery position with the breechblock open.
You don't really see the movement much. Just as as you don't see the slide operate to eject a shell and return to in battery position if you watch a semi auto pistol , rifle or machine gun being fired (unless there is a cocking handle that moves and you see it as a blurred movement during rapid fire or full auto fire).

If your inside the tank and the round is fired the spent casing or aft cap in the case of combustible cased rounds, is on the turret floor and the breech open to be reloaded in less then a second. It happens so fast that to actually see its movement, as it cycles, as anything more then a blur would take a very high speed camera. Our brains don't work that fast.
The the loader has to really hustle to keep reloading it if multiple rounds are fired at the same target.
That's why autoloaders are slower then good human loaders.

On the Abrams tank the 120mm gun is only 1.5 inches into its 11 inch recoil rearward movement when the projectile has already left the barrel and the rest of the recoil action takes place, so the return to battery is as fast as the recoil with just a enough hydraulic resistance provided to prevent damage to the guns mounting points.
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Re: Easy way to adjust return recoil and turret speed

Post by dgsselkirk »

I would refer to this film again. Clearly the return to battery is slower and the film is running at normal speed and not slowed down.


We are playing with toys here. We sometimes do "effects" that although not exactly right, add to the overall appeal and look. I'm sorry but there really is nothing "realistic" about anything we do period. LOL!

I like a nice recoil even on my ZTZ which basically uses rocket projectiles which means no recoil at all! :-)
"There are things in Russia which are not as they seem..."
Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov
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